Chapter Three

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"Once the helicopters had lifted off, the enemy surrounded me while others continued to fire at the helicopters. For some ungodly known reason, I was still breathing. When they turned me over, I found myself face-to-face with a barrel. I closed my eyes as I knew what was about to come." Grimes explained to them as she played with her hands. 

"But it didn't. Instead, I heard the sound of a blade slicing through flesh. I opened my eyes to see the man pointing his rifle at my face holding his neck where a dagger was sticking out. There were a few more similar sounds before the thudding of bodies hitting the ground. I tried to look around, but it was almost like whoever was eliminating them was too fast."

"Then the last man dropped. A figure appeared right behind him. It walked over to me and from somewhere. I got the strength to try and back off from them. But I ended up hitting someone else, I looked up, and they were dressed in similar clothes."


"Cosa facciamo con lei? Ha visto tutto." The hooded figure that stood over Grimes spoke to the other one. "È un miracolo che sia ancora viva."

"What the hell are you saying?" Grimes managed to cough out through her pain from moving. 

"Liberala dalla sua miseria; Dobbiamo muoverci." The other hooded figure spoke before turning around. 

"Who the fuck are you?" She hissed as she constantly looked between the two figures. The figure she bumped into flicked his army downwards, and a blade flew out. "What are you doing." The figure dropped down and placed a hand on her shoulder, bringing back the blade to push into her chest. Grimes mustard all her strength and pushed her leg up, bringing it close to her chest, wrapping it around the figure's neck, and pushing down, catching him off guard.

"Merda." Was all the figure said as he flew back down to the ground.

"Get the fuck away from me." She hissed and kicked him as hard as she could away from her. But blackness dotted her vision from the blood loss and exertion she had just put her weakened body through. "Stay," She continued trying to say, but she was losing control. The darkness quickly overtook her senses, and she unwillingly let the black take over. Falling to the ground unconscious.

"Cagna stupid," The figure she kicked grumbled as he pushed himself up and readied himself to end her for good.

"Aspettare," The other figure called out, "Portala con noi, ha molto spirito. Potrebbe allenarsi bene." The figure that tried to kill Grimes sighed, frustrated and shook his head. 

"Devi smetterla di portare randagi a casa, fratello." 


"Next thing I know, I woke up in a facility. There I was treated for my wounds. It took over six months before I returned to any form of usefulness." Grimes explained as she sighed. "They took me in. They showed me the work they do and why they do it. I realised there was much more evil and corruption in this world." 

"They gave me a choice. I could go back to my life as it was. Back to the army, back to you guys." Grimes spoke softly, looking at each one of them. "Or I could stay, train in their way of fighting and help them make the world a little lighter." 

"And you chose to let us believe you were dead." Ghost grumbled, stepping forward, "While you were off, god knows where." 

"It wasn't an easy choice," Grimes spoke loudly, standing up. "I loved my life with you guys, even if it was only short."

"Then why didn't you come back." Ghost spoke in a profound threatening manner. 
Grimes glared at him before releasing a calming breath and turning away. 

"Everyone, get some rest." 

"We are not done here!" Ghost yelled at her. 

"Yes, we are!" Grimes yelled back, turning to face him again with an angry look. She rushed at him angrily. "They sat me down and showed me footage of a 6-year-old girl being passed around by men old enough to be her grandfather like she was nothing but a toy."

"Grimes." Price spoke out,  trying to get her attention. 

"I then watched a sick piece of shit level an entire village because he wanted to test out his new war missile." Grimes told him, "That is the reason I stayed. That is why I spent four years training twelve hours a day." 

"Grimes!" Price yelled as Grimes continued staring into Ghost's unforgiving eyes. "Put down the knife." Price said as he had his hands in front of him, trying to keep the situation calm. Grimes didn't realise this until she looked down at her hand. She had unknowingly picked up one of her daggers off the table. She let go of the hilt, dropping it to the floor with a thud. She closed her eyes, dipped her head down, and turned away from Ghost again. 

"I am not the woman I used to be." She told them as she made her way to a set of ladders that went to the roof. "Get some sleep." She said before climbing up the ladders to take watch.

"Ghost, you okay?" Soap asked his friend, who was staring into space. Ghost said nothing and walked away from the men and out of the building for some air.

"Jesus," Gaz muttered as he tried to understand what had just happened. 

"Soap take watch after Grimes, Gaz your next; ghost will go last." Price told them all as he walked over to a two-seater sofa. "Get some sleep." 

"I feel these next few weeks are going to be long." Price muttered as he watched the others find spots to lie down and sleep. 

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