Chapter Twenty

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"No, no, no, Grimes!" Soap yelled out as he rushed over to where he had left her. She wasn't moving. Her right hand was on her lap with the palm facing upward, covered in blood. While the other was on the ground. Soap rushed over and dropped to his knees as his left hand grabbed her shoulder closest to him and his right grabbed her lower face. He lifted her face to see her eyes closed and her lips tinted blue. 

"Ghost! Grimes is unresponsive!" Soap yelled down the open comms. 

"Johnny, do something!" Ghosted yelled. Soap could hear the slight ting of fear behind his voice. "Do not let her die!" Ghost growled almost as a threat, but Soap didn't pay head to it. 

"Grimes! You better wake the fuck up!" Will's voice yelled out over the comms. 

"Hey!" A voice yelled as a shadow grabbed Soap from behind and wrestled him to a standing-up position. The Soap turned and fought him off, but the Shadow managed to get the upper hand because he was worried about Grimes. His weapon now points directly at Soap's head. He froze, not wanting to move, as he looked down the barrel. 

"Turn around." The Shadow ordered, and Soap complied with his hands up at his sides. Soap sighed as his head dropped slightly, feeling defeated. But the sounds of the Shadow behind him grunting in pain, paired with the sounds of metal slicing through flesh, made him soon around. He watched as the Shadow dropped lifeless to reveal Grimes standing behind him with her hood up. When Soap looked into her eyes, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up; there was something different. He struggled to pinpoint exactly what, but whatever, it scared even him. 

"Water?" Grimes muttered as Soap pointed to the bottles on the ground. Grimes picked them up and quickly chugged them one after the other. 

"Soap, what's happening?" Ghost's voice asked impatiently, waiting for an update. 

"Well, ah." Soap began as he watched her finish off the last water. "She's alive.

"I'm done with this shit," Grimes muttered in a deep, deadly voice as she bent her neck to her right shoulder, cracking her neck. "Time to finish this."

"Ah, shit. Soap, stay behind her. Do not leave her side." Will ordered him after he heard Grimes's tone of voice.

"Why? What's happening?" Soap asked, confused as he followed closely behind Grimes, who was walking along the streets naturally.

"Well, you know of the fight or flight response?" Will asked him.


"Grimes has a third, and we called it her 'Done with this shit.'" He informed him.

"Interesting name." Ghost answered him.

"I have never seen anyone fight like Grimes when she is like this," Will continued, "Every time she either goes unconscious or gets tired, she says, 'I'm done with this shit.' and then proceed to slaughter all her enemies without batting an eyelid."

"You know I can hear you, boys," Grimes told them as she pulled two daggers from her belts and angled them in her hand before sending them flying through the air. Two Shadows held their necks, struggling to breathe as flooding filled their throats. They hit the ground just as Grimes walked up and stepped over their dying bodies. She bent down and pulled each other the blades from their skin, causing the blood to spill faster. 

"Ghost, we are five minuted from the church," Grimes told him as she turned and spotted more Shadows. This time there were three of them standing in a triangle. 

"Soap, stay back." She told him without looking back, and Soap knelt against the wall at the side of the road. Two of the Shadows had their backs slightly towards her at an angle while one faced her. He hadn't spotted her yet due to the dark streets. Flicking her right wrist to reveal her hidden blade, she grabbed a dagger with her left. First, she threw the dagger at the first man on the left leg, causing him to fall. 

As he fell, Grimes slid across the ground on her knees so that she could drive her hidden blade into his chest, forcing him to hit the ground. She grabbed her dagger last second and pulled it out of the man's leg as she stood up. She swung her hidden blade around in one fluid motion to slice the man's neck on her right before driving the dagger into the side of his neck. 

She left the dagger there and spun around again to face the last Shadow, who had pulled his knife from his pocket. He swung the blade downwards towards her neck on the left side. She ducked slightly under his arm and tapped his elbow, using his momentum to unbalance him. Now standing behind him, She reached forward, looped her right arm under his, and pulled back to disable the arm. Her left hand pressed against the left side of his face before she pushed violently. Snapping his neck. He dropped to the ground with a heavy thud.

"Holy mother of Jesus." Soap muttered in complete awe as he watched Grimes effortlessly take the men down. Almost like she was dancing.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Will asked down the mic; you could hear the smirk on his voice. "I have never seen anything like Grimes from the moment I met her in the desert. I knew she would be a natural Assassin.

"So you were one of the Assassins that rescued her?" Soap asked as he stood up to walk over to Grimes. She barely looked like she was breaking a sweat, even with her bullet wound. 

"I watched her beat one of my colleagues while hanging onto life." Will chuckled at the memory. "It was at the moment I wanted her. I wanted to train her; she's my legacy." Soap looked at Grimes as she pulled her dagger from the Shadow's neck and wiped it clean by folding her arm around the elbow.

"We gotta keep moving. It's just up the road." Grimes told him as she replaced the dagger into her belt and turned to jog lightly away from Sopa and the three dead Shadows on the ground. 

We Who ServeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora