Chapter 42

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Tony had succeeded in what he had come to do.

Push Phi Phi away.

He's been thinking about it ever since she told him what she was set up to go with Chase Crawford.

How did he even think about getting together with her in the first place? She's Alana fucking Evans. A girl out of his league. Her name was carved into the stars and her legacy will forever be written in history, to be read and re-read over and over again. She's a common household name among the entire world and she deserves everything. She's a girl that deserves someone much much better then he is. Someone that doesn't come with all the baggage he has. He knew that if he didn't push her away and they remained on neutral ground she wouldn't have minded waiting even longer than a month, and he couldn't have her waist her time on someone like him.

He sadly got up and walked out of the building to where the Stark Industries team was. He checked in on everyone and everything and then flew back home.

"Sir, if I may?" Jarvis said in the suit.


"That was very stupid."


Alana woke up and shoved her face in the pillow.

It was dark out and she didn't feel like doing anything, but hearing movement in the kitchen got her slightly curious so she got up.

"Hey." Her voice was quiet as to not startle the clearly already startled soldier.

Bucky whirled around, his eyes wide with fear, but when he saw Alana he relaxed slightly.


"Can't sleep?" She walked to where the cups where and got two glasses of water for her and Bucky.

"Sorry. Did I wake you up?"

"No, you didn't. I ruined my sleeping schedule by sleeping in the afternoon, but nothing new. How are you doing?" She handed him one of the glasses of water when she filled them up and he gave her a small smile in thanks.

"I'm okay. How are you?"

"I'm okay."

It was silently agreed upon between the two of them that they weren't okay and needed each other.

At the same time, they both took a step forward and wrapped the other up in a hug.

"We'll be okay." He whispered and felt her nod against him.


He took her hand in his and they walked to the living room and over to the couches.

"So, Tony...?" He said, hoping she'd tell him what it was they saw earlier that day.

"Is a jerk." She huffed and turned away from Bucky.

"I see."

"And you?"


"All the time?"


"I see. If you ever wake up and don't want to be alone, then you can wake me up too. I don't have a stable sleep schedule so it won't affect me, so don't worry about it."

"Okay, you too. If there's anything in your mind and you feel comfortable enough to share it, you can always talk to me."


They stayed silent for a long time, both staring at something as their minds focused.

"Oh." A startled voice said from behind.

They turned and saw Peter walk in, he was only lit up by the one kitchen light they had turned on and the lamp in the living room.

"Is this a secret meeting? Are you having a secret meeting?" He whispered in excitement.

Alana and Bucky looked at each other with amusement.

"Can I join?" He asked and Alana nodded. "What's the meeting about?" 

He quickly sat on a free couch and brought his knees up.

"I'm throwing a big birthday party and we're just throwing some ideas around." She said and Peter never looked more excited. Even though her birthday wasn't until February.

"Oh my god, can I help? Can I come? Have you chosen a theme yet? Can I help with the invitation list? Please?" He whispered with excitement.



I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now