Chapter 82

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They were at a very high end A-list celebrity party. She realized many people fans would consider legends and goats were here and it all varied from actors, singers, athletes, models billionaires and rich families deeply rooted into everything.

Some F1 guys were here and she had already said hi to them. She also met some footballers who she's been to their birthday party before, even though she didn't know them that well, and that included Neymar, Benzema, Ikar Cassias, Dybala, Luis Suarez, and a few more. 

She saw a slight commotion at the entrance and knew another top A list person just walked the red carpet and was coming in.

 From the bright red metal she saw between the cracks of the people, she didn't have to guess to know who that was, Tony. He sure liked his flashy entrances. He greeted people around him and said a few words while clearly lookin around. Suddenly, his suit retracted and out of nowhere he made a beeline to her.

"You're here!" He excitedly said and his eyes lit up. He got Jarvis to look for her in the crowd, and once he found her, he went straight to her.

"Yeah. Can't really miss something like this." She motioned around her and really wanted to hug him but restrained herself.

"I'm very happy you're here." He took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it before letting go and smiling widely.

She pushed away the butterflies and gave him a small smile.

"Soooo do you know anyone here?" She asked, noticing a few people eyeing him. Her back was pressed against the bar counter, so she lifted her arms and rested her elbows on them, leaning slightly back. "This is also most probably the most expensive room I've been in." She said as a side note.

The amount of designer things and jewelry she was seeing was astronomical. She herself was wearing very expensive clothing.

"Probably, but I forgot. They're not very significant people for me to remember." He shrugged.

"Are there any significant people here Mr.Stark?" She blinked innocently. She was fishing for a compliment from him, she knew that.

"Well," he took both of her hands gently in his and pulled her forward, softly looking at her, "there's this girl. She's more than significant. She's the most important one here."

"Is she?"

"Mhm. I'd die for her."

She tilted her head slightly to the side.

"Would you?"

"Yeah. I'd do anything for you."

Her heart beat faster and she blushed.

"Ah Mr.Stark!" Someone clapped him on his shoulder and they let go of each other's hands.

"Uh, hi, yeah, excuse me. Little busy here." Tony resumed his fast talking and took the guys hand off his shoulder.

"Tony, it's okay. I have to go mingle for a while longer." She smiled at him and took a step away.

"I'll come find you after. Hey! Save me a dance!" He called over his shoulder as people started pulling him away.

"I'll think about it!" She called back and was also instantly dragged into conversations by other people. She indulged in all of them out of kindness. As one of the most famous people in the room, she did have to entertain others in conversation, she couldn't get away with being a wallflower like she used to when she was younger. 

"Hey beautiful, good seeing you." David Beckham kissed her cheek and continued walking to wherever he was going to.

"You too Beckham."

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now