9. Yoongi

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I never thought that...Park Kitty, the badass gang leader will almost beg me to suck his dick and I did him good.

The look on his face said a lot about how he felt during and after that session. I never imagined that he will be back here, looking for me to have this quality time.

I was in a daze until I felt a sudden pain in the back of my head.

"Close your mouth, flies are everywhere," Agust says as he sits down across me.

"Hey, Agust." Hoseok greets and Agust puts a cigarette in between his lips and lights it up.

"Why did you hit me?"

"You were spacing off," Agust replies, being cool.

"Oh, yeah? How was the night out?" Agust dusts the ashes before inhaling the cigarette.

"Great. I kissed him and he felt so good." I almost choked on the air.

"You- WHAT!" Agust looks unamused and kept inhaling that toxic air.

"We just kissed, not like I fucked him or anything." I gulped down.

"Well, who knows if you would. It's possible for you." Agust scoffed.

"Why are you on the edge now? What happened with you?" Before I could answer, Hoseok beat me to it.

"Kitty was here to look for Yoongi and then they disappeared in one of our fuck holes." Agust turns to me like he saw a ghost.

"You...lost it?"

"I DIDN'T!" Agust almost threw a fake cry.

"So, what happened?" I cleared my throat and told him everything and by Agust's looks, he looked proud.

"Well! I'm glad that you didn't bottom out." We heard a gasp.

"Oh my gosh!" Hoseok squeal.

"Our Yoongi is all grown up!" He cries and wipes his eyes.

"Stop being a mom, Hoseok." Hoseok walks away while crying.

"Anyway, so are you serious with Kitty?" I never thought of being serious with him, but I do want him.

"Kinda." Agust nods and continues to smoke.

"Be careful with him though, he's crazy." I nod because he knows Kitty more than me.


The next day, I was walking to class but I bumped into someone.

"Sorry.." but I looked down to see Jimin who rubbed his forehead a little.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, are you okay?" I reach out to touch him but a strong grip grabbed my hand before that.

"Don't you dare." I looked up to see Kitty, being all red.


"Kitty! Be nice!" Jimin says out loud and holds Kitty back.

"Fine." Jimin smiled at me and kitty glared at me.

"I'm good, no worries." Jimin answers.

"Great. So, uh..." my eyes drift to Kitty who looked hot today.

He was wearing a black short jacket, a crop top beneath it, a half-and-half skirt and pants, fish nets and high boots, and reddish makeup to go with his outfit.

Damn...Yoongi, control yourself.

"If we are done here, excuse us!" Kitty grabbed Jimin who quickly waves at me before letting his brother drag him inside, I followed them inside and soon faced two guys, giving me a cold look.

"Yo, dude." I tried to ignore them and aim to sit down at my seat but one of them grabbed my shoulder.

"We have business."

"I don't do business with you punks." The one with a lip piercing grinned at me.

"Oh? Then why the fuck do you have the guts to own our boss?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Your boss?" Both of them make a way to let me see and point at Kitty who was sitting on his seat, legs crossed.


"Now, you see where are we going?" I nod and later smirked at Kitty who kept his cool.

"Well, I see. But I'm not the one who came to my brother's bar and begged me to give a blowjob." Kitty's facial expression changed and he blushed.

"Why you-"

"JEONGGUK! TAEHYUNG!" Both of the guys turns to see Jimin and Jimin pushed them away from my path.

"Don't mind them, they are good kids but trying to be bad." I smiled and nod as I took my seat and sat down.

The teacher came and I turned around to look at Kitty who was staring at me, I winked at him and that triggered him well. He blushed, hard.

I won.


After school, I decided to check the library for the assignment we received. I know if I go home now, I have to face Suga and he's nagging.

So, better study off before laying in bed. The library was almost empty since the students leaves after classes. I sat down at the end where no one can see me or find me. I pulled out my books and start working while working I didn't notice that someone was talking about me.

I heard the chair being pulled and sat down, I can smell the rose perfume and I know that scent.

I looked up and meet with a pair of greenish-lens eyes, arms crossed.

"Yes?" Kitty huffs before leaning onto the table, a blush covering his face.

"Stop going around and saying that we had such a session," I smirked and leaned on the table as well.

"Make me," Kitty smirked this time and I can feel something going up then I realized that it was Kitty's feet and his feet were poking my shaft.

"Give me a minute." I gulped and he got up, he peeked outside and saw the old librarian, who was reading a book. A grin appears on his face and he went under the table, crawling his way to my legs I can see him under the table.

He presses his hands against my shaft, I groaned because it's hard to not moan in here or someone will notice.

"One rule," Kitty spoke.


"Don't moan."

At that point I broke, I wasn't functioning and what I was facing was ... extremely unbearable. Kitty did me good and for sure I'm addicted to him. He was so skilled and he didn't let me chance to complain as he kept me on the edge of my chair and held my mouth for not to moan to it.

After he finished, he licked his lips and smirked at me, like he earned something valuable.

"You taste good~" I don't know how to feel at this point, he slowly crawls back like a cat and plops down on his chair, as if nothing happened.

"Anyway, I need to leave. So, go home soon, hm~" he said and got up, took a few steps to look around at me.

"See you soon." He winked at me and left, I was still shocked and a blushing mess because I just experienced euphoria.

This Park will be the death of me.


That's all for today 😊

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