10 : Suga

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I had to fill in today at the bar, so I couldn't go and meet my sweet baby. He must be busy as well since he hasn't replied to any of my texts yet.

"Hmph..." I sighed and drop my head on the bar table. Hoseok was cleaning the glasses while watching me.

"You know you can call him and tell him to come by," Hoseok says as he places the glass on the cabinet.

"I know but he's busy!" Hoseok chuckles.

"No, maybe he's not cause look." I lift my head to my beautiful precious angel baby, walking inside the bar as the other guys eyes him. I swear I'll kick those guys out after this.

"Agust!" He chirps and flashes a bright smile at me, which melts me so much.

"Hey, baby." Jimin blushed at the name and he's so cute.

"I didn't see you at school today, so I thought you might be here." I giggled at his words, he was waiting for me.

"I know, baby. I'm just busy with work." I saw a pout on his face as he plays with his fingers.

"Hi, we have never met. But I'm Hoseok, call me J-Hope." Hoseok greets and introduce himself as Jimin bows a little.

"I'm Jimin."

"I know, he talks a lot about you. So, do you like to drink something? I can hook you up with anything, just say the word." Hoseok says as he shows his bright smile, I doubt he drinks at this point.

"Um...I don't drink..until it's an occasion." Jimin replies while blushing. Hoseok blinked before laughing.

"It is an occasion, you are visiting us for the second time because the first time wasn't a good timing." Jimin giggled, and Hoseok did as well. I groaned and took Jimin's hand.

"We will excuse ourselves." I glared at Hosoek because he was getting on with Jimin.

"I'll send some wine to you then!" I can hear Hoseok's voice as I drag Jimin upstairs, where I live.

This is the first time, I bought someone in my place. Jimin looks around and tries to figure out the place.

"Sorry, it's a cramped place but I'm planning to rent around place soon." I grabbed some empty cans of beer and threw them in the trash and dust the couch to let him sit.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable in here?" He asked after sitting on the couch.

"Sometimes, mostly I spend my nights at my bro's house." I finished cleaning and sat down beside Jimin, immediately wrapping my arm around him and pulling him closer. Jimin landed on my chest and kept staring at the walls.

"You have so many posters." I looked in the direction he was staring and then I thought of stealing a kiss from him. So, I did as I thought, I stole a kiss from his lips and he turns to me immediately.

"Agust!" I smirked at him, he was so red.

"What? I didn't bring you here to stare at my wall. I missed you." Jimin gulped before nodding.

"Right, I missed you too." His soft fingers trace my face and I hold his hand and bring it to my lips to kiss it. Jimin gave me a soft smile before lifting his leg to my lap and slowly moving from his place to my lap.

Straddling my lap, he laced his lips with mine and kept smiling at me. He's too gorgeous, I can't take my eyes away from him.

As we were kissing, I know will get hard by this and I will go more than kissing, so I tried to push his hip onto my crotch. Jimin seems to notice it and broke the kiss immediately.

"Agust..no.." I frowned.

"Why not? You were into it as well." Jimin bit his lips before looking into my eyes.

"I'm hard, yes, but I'm not ready and...we are nothing yet ..so.." oh, that's why he's holding back.

I pulled him closer and kisses him, hard enough. Jimin tries to free himself but I know I won't let him. I broke the kiss and gaze into Jimin's eyes, they are full of lust yet there was a hesitation.

"Jimin, baby." Jimin hums.

"Wanna be boyfriends?" A blush covers his face but he nods anyway.

"Alright, we are something now, so..." I reached for his sweater and lift it to touch his back, he arched and that's how much I affect him.

"Now, can I have you?" Jimin bit his lips again.

"I'm not ready, Agust...." I got the message and nodded, but I will leave a mark on him.

"Then let me leave a hickey on you." Jimin wides his eyes but doesn't say anything. He took a minute before pushing his sweater down, to show me his collarbones.

"You can only be around this area, not much." I grinned like a kid before kissing him, he's so precious.

Jimin let me make some mark on him, he was so patient and relaxed that I didn't make any impact on him.

After finishing my masterpiece, I stared down at him, he's chest heaving up and down, his neckline along with his collarbones, and most of the chest covered in my beautiful red marks.

A look of pleasure washed over him as his eyes met mine, he looked beautiful in those reds.

"Now you are looking much more exquisite." Jimin blushed, what else he can do when I compliment him?

"Use your voice to let me know you are satisfied, baby." I was a little annoyed that Jimin is a silent one now.

"I like it.." Jimin says and leans in to reach my lips. He gently swipes his lips above mine before smiling against it.

"You did great, Agust." My heart pounding, I love the way he calls me 'Agust'.

"I know." I tackled him down on the bed and hold him closer to me as I nuzzle my nose into his neck.

"Let's just stay like this for a while then I'll drop you off at home." Jimin nods as we cuddle but falls asleep in each other's arms.

I didn't know that we fell asleep in a deep sleep until I heard my door being slammed on for a while. I looked up and heard some curses behind the door and the poor door was barely hanging in there.

"What the.." good thing is that Jimin is a heavy sleeper, he didn't even flinch.

I got up and unlocked the door to be pressed by the wall next to it by a wild Kitty.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU DID TO MY BROTHER?!" He yelled and held my collar.

"He's on the bed.." I was still sleepy, I don't have any mood to deal with him now. Kitty turns to the bed then his grip gets tighter.

"Did you fuck him?!" He asked eyes raging.

"No, we just laid and slept." Then it hit me, why am I answering his questions like I'm nothing to him?

"And why couldn't I sleep with him? He's my boyfriend now." Kitty grits his teeth.

"Don't make me puke, Agust shit! My brother likes you that's alright, but making you his boyfriend! No shit!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed Kitty's hand to push him off me.

"He accepted me last night. Deal with it." Kitty groaned and stomps his way to wake Jimin up. Jimin woke up, poor baby was still tired, he could barely open his eyes.

"Kitty?" Jimin ask innocently but kitty grabbed him, forcing him up.

"Let's go home."


That's all for today!

Sorry for the short chap, and it's all fluff!

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