15 : Kitty

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I was so fucking pissed at that Agust shit face! He was the problem and Jimin got mad at me.

"This is fucking stupid!"

An eraser hit me on the cheek. I looked up and saw Jimin glaring at me while pointing at his pencil.

"No cursing in this house."

"But it's math!"

"So what! Math is easy!"

"For you!"

"If you study, you will find fun in it!"

I snort before getting up, Jimin's eyes follow me as I climb the stairs.

"Where are you going?!"

"I'm going to sleep."

"What about homework?!"

"Fuck it."

I wasn't in the mood to finish that stupid homework, my mind was occupied and I want to run.

As soon as I reached my room, I fall on the bed and a sigh leaves my mouth.


I'm feeling worn out for some reason, I stayed home all day and had enough rest but why I'm feeling so tired and frustrated?

My body rolled on the bed and I landed on my stomach before unlocking my phone to go through some posts.

Most of them were Tae and Jk hanging out and being like a couple. Well, they look great but what upsets me is that....I'm lacking that.

I feel so empty...

I heard a ding in my phone and saw a message, it's from Yoongi.

Yoongi ass shit: I'm bored, there's a new movie playing in the theater, wanna go?

"From when he started to ask me to hang out with him!"

But I am bored, there's nothing to do and I can't do homework with Jimin now. So, the movies it is.

I jumped up and get dressed, intentionally I choose something hot because I do want to catch some eyes.

After looking at myself, feeling satisfied I ran down the stairs which caught Jimin's attention.

"Where are you going at this hour?"

He is in his PJs, ready for bed.

"Uh...my friends called for movies so yeah I'll be back in an hour or two. Go and sleep."

"Kitty, it's 11 pm. I can't let you go at this hour with..." He gestures to my outfit.

"With that kind of outfit!"

"Chim, relax! I'll be fine."

"Yeah right."

"I promise!".

Jimin stared at me for a while, he sighs before walking to the living room and coming back to me a minute later.

"Here, call a cab after the movie."

He hands me some money before folding his wallet.

"Geez...Chim, I had money-"

"For emergency."

I blinked a few times before engulfing Jimin in a hug, he is a softie so he gave in and hugged back.

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