13. Yoongi

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I was worried.

Because I heard Jimin got kidnapped and then Suga ran out to find him and not to mention Kitty...

Yes, I was worried for Jimin because he's my friend but I'm more worried for Kitty. He didn't have to go since Suga already sniffed out the assholes who took Jimin.

"Why are you looking so blue?" I lift my head to see Hoseok looking down at me, with doe eyes.

"I'm worried."

"For Suga or Jimin?" Namjoon asked, surprised that I can get worried.


Both of them gasped like I was spilling gold. Why are they so extra?

"Are you two having any chemistry?" Hoseok asked, Namjoon also nod, agreeing with Hoseok.

"What do you think? I'm worrying my ass over here for that guy."

Both of them gasped again, eyeing each other.

"Our Yoongi is all grown up!" Both of them chirped and clapped like a seal.

"These guys..."


Five hours later, Suga stumbled inside my apartment. He lives here when he doesn't have anything to do at the bar.

He had a cigarette in between his lips as he groaned.

"No cigarettes in my apartment, please."

I said it firmly and he rolled his eyes before putting that away.

"Thank you. Now tell me what happened? Is Jimin okay?"

Suga nod.

"He is fine, I would have murdered that bastard if he left a mark on my baby."

I'm glad that Jimin is safe, if anything happened to Jimin...then we would've seen Suga in jail. If Suga went to jail then I had to deal with his business and I don't think I can keep a bar going.

"What about Kitty? Is he okay?"

Suga shot me a look, I know I sound too concerned about Kitty. I'm being too obvious and I'm not ashamed of it.

"Why are you asking about him?"

"You two went together so that's why."

Suga stared at me for a minute before scoffing. He had a cold stare,  questioning me if I'm in my right mind. He knows that I have some sort of link with Kitty but I'm not telling him anything yet.

"That shitty kitty is fine. Didn't die tonight that's all."

I was relieved but Suga's eyes didn't leave me. He's going to ask me about it, isn't he?


"Why are you so concerned about him?"

I rolled my eyes, I don't wanna talk about it now.

"Because he sucked you up?"

I choked on air and coughed the life out of me.


"What? That's the reason huh?"

"You know what! Fuck you!"

Suga chuckled. He is an asshole but my brother is as well, so I can't just kick his butt.

"Go fuck him!"


The next day, I waited for Kitty. He was late as usual, Jimin was looking alright, he was busy with those other guys.

Finally, Kitty is in my sight and before he could walk inside the classroom, I grabbed him and dragged him upstairs.

He was cursing and swearing at me for dragging him like that but I need to do something.

"What the fuck!"

He huffs as I pushed him against the wall, trapping him in between me and the wall. His face is red but those beautiful lenses shine perfectly.

"Did you hurt yourself?"

He glared at me, crossing his arms against his chest. Gosh, don't tease me now. I might go crazy.

"Why do you care?"

I rolled my eyes and leaned closer to him. Is he for real?

"Just answer me or I'll find out myself."

Kitty smirks at me.

"Oh really? How?"

I looked down and back to his face, that smug smile is still on his face.

"Do you want to know?"

Kitty nods.

I leaned back and reached for his jacket but he grabbed my hands, staring into my eyes as he leans closer.

"Enough. No need for that."

He pushed me back and dust his clothes. Cockblocker, his just blocking me from taking him over.

"I'm pretty much okay. Those motherfuckers are nothing."

I nod, he is strong and I have no doubt about that. My strong baby, gosh I'm simping.

"I'm curious."

"About what?"

He points at me.

"You should be worried about my brother since he was kidnapped then why are you worrying about my ass?"

I smirked at him now. Because your ass is mine and I can't help but worry for your ass.

"Because that ass is mine."

He scoffed.

"Yeah, right. I can't be owned by anyone."

"Is that so?"

Kitty nods. He had a soft glare, but he didn't utter anything else.

"Very well."

I stepped closer and pulled him by his waist before connecting his lips with mine. Those soft lips are so addictive that I couldn't resist. I was waiting for this moment, I needed this because I was so ducking worried for this boy.

At first, I thought, he will push me away but he stared at me, hands on my arm, cheeks red. Why is he being like this? Stop! I can't control myself!

"Kiss back At least."

I whispered and Kitty obeyed, he leaned closer and kissed me. Kitty just obeyed me...am I dreaming?

It was the best moment for me because, for the first time, the kitty obeyed me. I know I can't own him but I can make him fall in love.

"Your unbelievable."

Kitty breathes out.

"And you are unresistible."

A smile formed on Kitty's face before he pecks my lips again and started to walk off.

"Don't get your hopes like for this, Shit head!"

I laughed and nod.

"Gosh, I love him."


That's all for today. 😊

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