14 : Suga

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A few weeks passed after that incident, and I'm more protective of Jimin. I can't let him loose that easily.

I bought a new apartment recently and decorated it the way I like but mostly I bring Jimin to help me out because I'll ask him to move in with me.

"So, how's your decoration going on?"

Hoseok asked while cleaning the bar tables. It's an off day so we are taking it easy.

"So far we bought types of furniture and cushions."

"Did Jimin like the apartment?"

I grinned at Hoseok.

"He loved it. I can't wait to see him in that house."

"What about Kitty? Will he accept this?"

I haven't thought about Kitty, it will be tough to convince him.

"I haven't thought of how to break things to him."

Hoseok gives a soft smile before leaving me alone, he's the type who knows when I need some space to think.

The afternoon rolled in and I haven't thought of what to do. I don't wanna go back to the apartment because it's lonely.


I grinned when I thought of a brilliant idea and now I'm walking, on my way to my destination.

I rang the bell and wait for a while until I heard footsteps and saw a bored face, Kitty.

He was a little shocked to see me now but I don't care about him.

"What the fuck-"

"Where's Jiminie?"

I asked without letting him speak, he narrowed his eyes and scoffed.

"Why the fuck are you doing here? Lost your way?"

"No, actually I'm here for-"

"Who is it?"

I peeked inside and Jimin's eyes widens as he shoves Kitty out of the way, jumping at me. I'm glad because Namjoon forced me to take those gym classes and caught Jimin in my arms.

He snuggles close to me mumbling something, I was too whipped to understand what he was saying and let it be.

"You didn't call before showing up!"

"I wanted to surprise you."

Jimin blushed and buries his face into my chest, I looked back at Kitty rolled his eyes, and walks inside.

"Come in!"

Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. Their home is cozy and warm, the heater is keeping the inside nicely warm.

"You guys have a nice place."

Jimin giggles as he walks back into the kitchen.

"Our parents bought this for us, it's too big for us."

I nod because it is big enough for a family, I looked around and saw a few frames in the living room, showing Kitty and Jimin with their parents and some baby pictures.

"Are you here to snoop around?"

I noticed Kitty on the couch, glaring at me like I'm a threat.

"No, just looking at your baby pictures."

Kitty scoffed.

"We look alike so stop guessing."

A grin appears on my face, I walked over and took a frame in my hand which was showing two boys wearing costumes.

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