Chapter 1

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Yn's P.O.V

I walk into the woods looking for raspberry for my mum, she plans on making me and my brother a pie. I've been craving for pie for the longest, but we are never able to find the right one. With my basket on my arm and my cloth over my head, I skip over to the bush joyfully. I kneel down and start picking the berries as soon as the basket is full I skip back home. I start skipping back home but stop when I see Macbeth running towards me crying.

" Macbeth! What's wrong?! What is it?!" I ask franticly. She runs past me but then stops and turns around.

" Run Yn! Run! They are burning down the village!! They burnt the crops,they are killing everyone!!" She cries.

" What?! No!! What of my mother and my brother?" I ask dropping the basket.

" I couldn't find them, but we have to go or they will come after us " She cries grabbing my arm.

" No, I can't leave. I must find my mum and my brother!" I cry pushing her off and running towards the village.

" Yn!!" She yells. I ignore her and pick up my dress running as fast as I can. I run into the village and stop looking at the houses burning and the crops. Men, women, and children running and screaming. I search through the crowd looking for my mum and brother, but they are nowhere to be found. I run towards my house to see it is still in tack. I run inside.

" Mum!! Arthur!! " I yell. I search through everything. I lift up the comforter, still no sign. I run out the house and towards the back. I find my mum's necklace laying on the floor. I pick it and put it in my pocket.

" Mum?! Arthur?!!! " I yell once again. Tears start pouring out my eyes, they are nowhere to be found. Oh God!

" Over here!!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and freeze standing in front of me is a knight...and not just any knight but a knight of Agrarian. Horrible, cruel and selfish people. They killed my father when I was two, because he stole. T-the only reason he stole food was because he wanted to feed me and mum. They called him worthless and a petty thief and killed him right on the spot. Ever since then, they've been torturing our village nonstop.

" Well well well, what do we have here " Says one of the knights, a much bigger one at that. He walks over to me and grabs my face. He gives me a thorough look over.

" What's your name sweetheart?" He asks. I glare at him but don't reply.

" No answer aye? Maybe this will help" He smirks. He takes one of his big hairy muscular hands and puts it up my dress. I flare my nose then hack up a spit and spit in his face. He lets me go and cleans his face, he turns red then turns back towards me and slaps me, making me yelp in pain and fall down. I hold my face then look back up at him.

" Put her in the wagon, she'll be a great maid " He says then he walks off . Two knights pick me up and drag me over to a wagon then the lift me up and drop me into the wagon. Here I go, far far away from my mum and brother....w-who I can't seem to find. Lord protect me and guide me through this journey.


They pull up to the palace gates, two guards open it and they drive the wagon in. They pull the wagon right in the center circle. The knights come out the wagon and open it up. They pull me and the rest of my family and friends out, making us fall right on the floor. I look up and around the area. This whole kingdom is huge. I look towards the stairs and walking down it is the evil king himself. He stops on the last step and scans over us.

" What is this?" He asks with a very unpleasant look on his face.

" My lord, these are the ones that we were able to get " The knight that touched me said.

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