Chapter 10

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" WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN HERE?!" Lady Syria shouts.

" Aren't you suppose to be out there with the guests " The prince says.

" S-so are you. The party is for me and you, we are suppose to be dancing out there right now " She says. The prince sighs.

" Dancing for what? " He asks while I'm still bent over.

" We are celebrating, we are getting married soon my prince. You and I, we're engaged-

" Bethroned! I didn't ask you to marry me, your father and my father arranged for us to be married. I never wanted to marry you. You have a nasty attitude towards people who are not in the same rank as you, you're rude, selfish, and you care about no one but yourself! " he snaps. Her eyes widen and she looks like she is about to cry.

" M-my prince, but-

" The stupid wedding is over, I'm not marrying you " He says.

" Y-you're k-kidding right?" She asks tearing up.

" No, it's not like I was ever in love with you in the first place " He says. Right after he said that she burst out in tears.


" No it's not, it's all on me " He says. She sniffles then turns around and leaves the room.

" Why did you do that?!" I shout pushing him a bit.

" Why did I do what? Why did I tell her I was never in love with her? Why did I tell her I didn't want to marry her?" He asks.

" She hates me now, more than ever. And she is right, this is all my fault " I cry.

" Hey hey, no it's not. This is not your fault " He says pulling me into a hug.

" Of course it is. If I had never went to the stupid forest, I wouldn't be here right now. I would've left the village with my mother and brother and you wouldn't be saying all these stupid things " I say pushing him away.

" Stupid things? None of the things I said were stupid. I meant everything I said. I don't want to marry Lady Syria, she isn't who I'm meant to be with , you are. I want you, you are who I'm meant to spend the rest of my life. Astra said so, you are my destiny " He says pulling me back into him.

" And you believe him?" I question.

" Of course I do. He said that we are bonded together, he wasn't lying. We both have the exact same scar-

" We have the same exact same scar because of that beast!" I shout.

" If we weren't meant to be together then why the hell am I the only one who can get you to stop hurting?! I'm the only one who can get you to calm down when you go into that little screaming faze. I'm the only one that can kiss you and get you stop" He says grabbing onto my face. I couldn't say anything after that. He is right, he is the only one that can get me relax. M-maybe he is right, maybe we are meant to be....but no one is going to accept us. No one!

" My prince-

" Call me Daniel, please " He says.

" My pr- D-Daniel no one is going to accept this " I say.

" I accept this, you're going to accept this, Astra accepts this, your best friend accepts it...maybe even more than we accept it. " He smiles.

" Because of this I lost other best friend, the first guy I ever had a crush on, the first guy I told that I loved him, the first guy that treated me like a queen " I sigh.

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