Chapter 12

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The queen took me to her maid who does her hair and makeup and picks out her dress. She opened the door and we both walked in. She introduced us and the lady got started. She started with my makeup then she did my hair.

" Now what color fits you the best?" She asks looking through a pile of dresses.

" Uh I'm not sure " I say shrugging.

" Mmm " She says picking up a dress and looking at me. " I think this one fits you "

" The coral one?" I ask.

" Yes, it fits your skin tone perfectly " She smiles handing it to me. " Go put it on "

" Okay " I say taking the dress and walking into the bathroom. I change out of my old clothes and into the dress, then I walk back out.

" Wow, you look beautiful " She compliments.

" Thank you " I say.

" Here, put these on " She says handing me black shoes. I take the ones I have on off and put those on. " Take a look " She points to a mirror. I pick the dress up and walk over to the mirorr.

" Oh my, I " I say.

" You really do " She smiles.

" Thank you so much " I say.

" No problem " She says. " You should go-

" Is she ready?" The Queen asks walking in. " Oh wow. Sweetheart you look amazing "

" Thank you " I say.

" Now you truly look like a Prince's wife " She says. " Come on let's go show everyone how you look "

" Um okay " I say. She grabs my hand leads me out of the room and back to where the King and the Prince are. As soon as we stepped in all eyes were on us.

" Y/N? Wow, you look beautiful " The Prince says walking over to us.

" Doesn't she. Now she looks like Royalty " The Queen says.

" She sure does " He smiles and takes my hand in his. " I can't wait to call you my Queen " He whispers in my ear. I can't wait to call him my King either.

** A few months later **

I'm four months pregnant with this child and I am really happy. I can't wait to see the baby. The prince has been so kind to me all these while. He treats me like a real Queen. He gives me whatever I want. I fall more and more in love with him as the days go by. Macbeth no longer works in the kitchen, she is now my right hand woman. She helps me around the place and stuff. Anyways Astra called us down to his room, he said that he had to talk to us about something. So Macbeth is helping me get dressed and ready.

" Okay, you are ready " She sighs flopping on the bed.

" *Giggles * Thank you " I say putting on my flats. " Are you ready?"

" Mhm, but I don't understand why I gotta go with you " She says.

" I just want you there with me " I say fixing my hair.

" You have the prince. He is going to be there with you, anyways where is he?" She questions sitting.

" He said he was going to talk- *knock knock

I get up and waddle over to the door. I open it up and the prince walks in.

" Are you ready? " He asks looking me up and down then smiling.

" Yea, " I say.

" Okay, let's go. We don't want to keep Astra waiting " He says opening the door again and grabbing a hold of my hand.

" Okay, come on Macbeth" I say walking out the room with the prince.

" I'm coming " She sighs following right behind us.

Once we reached Astra's room. He welcomed us in and told us to have a seat.

" How are you all doing this fine afternoon?" He questions.

" We are good. How about you Astra?" I answer.

" I am good " He says.

" So what's up? What can we do for you?" The prince asks.

" Well um, you know how I have visions?" He questions.

" Yea, what does that have to do with us?" The prince asks furrowing his eyebrows.

" Well I had a vision two nights ago. I didn't know how to tell you guys, that's why I didn't call you over sooner " He says. "You see that child you are carrying is very special. She can bring goodness and happiness into this kingdom or she can bring sadness and destruction depending on whose hands she is in. You guys have to take good care of this child. She is what's going to keep this kingdom from crumbling. In my vision I saw her in the wrong hands, in someone's hands I never thought would want this kingdom to crumble. You have to be careful of who you bring into this kingdom "

" Wait this doesn't make sense, I don't get it " I say.

" What I am saying is, take good care of this child. Be suspicious if everyone and everything " He says.

" Okay, thank you Astra....but when you said she, do you mean we are having a girl?" The prince asked.

" Yea, congratulations" He smiled.

" We're having a girl " The prince whispers in my ear.

" I was right all along " I smile.

" Yea yea " He says.

" Is that all?" I ask looking over at Astra.

" Yes that's it " He says.

" Okay thank you so much " I say leaning up. The prince quickly gets up and assists me. " Thank you" I smile. Macbeth also gets up and we all walk out the room.

" Aren't you kinda scared?" Macbeth asks.

" Of what?" I question.

" Everything Astra said " She says.

" Maybe a little, but we will make sure to keep her safe. Don't worry about Macbeth " I smile a little.

" Mmm, okay " She says. That's  a lie, I am really scared. It's scaring having a child that is going to determine things. I really hope things go well.

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