Chapter 2

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Tristan, the prince's scrawny little maid *clears throat * I mean servant.. showed me where Lady Syria keeps her gowns. Why is it so far away from her room? Why are there so many gowns? I only have 3 gowns and those are only for special occasion. Lady Syria on the other hand has a thousand and these are for every day wear...the life of a royalty. I pick out one of the gowns that has a sign written on it saying ' Dinner with the prince and king ' guessing she is having dinner with the prince and king..but what do I know? Once I have the gown in my hand, I turn towards Tristan.

" Thank you, now I must head back to Lady Syria. She is probably worried...about her gown " I say.

" *Chuckles * right, you know how to get to her room from here?" He asks.

" Yea-no " I say embarrassed.

" I'll show you then, shall we?" He asks.

" We shall " I say. I follow him out of the room and we head to Lady Syria's room.

" long have you been serving the prince?" I ask.

" Uh...two years now " He says.

" Oh, where are you from?" I ask.

" Traven " He says.

" Traven?...never heard of it " I say.

" Y-yea, neither has the prince. It is far west, barely anyone lives there " He says.

" How did you end up in the palace?" I ask.

" Me and my younger sister were at in the woods, the guards were also there hunting deer. My sister ran into their path and blocked them from killing one of the deers. She loves animals. They got angry and were going to take her to the palace but I pleaded with them, begged them to take me instead. So they did and here I am working for the prince " He says .

" Oh" I say looking down.

" we are " He says. I look up and see we are standing in front of Lady Syria's room.

" Thank you " I smile.

" You are welcome. Are you coming to the dinner tonight?" He asks.

" I have no clue " I say.

" You should come "  He says.

" Think bout it " I say.

" Okay, I better get back to the prince " He says.

" Yea " I say. He smiles then walks off. I open the door and walk in.

" Where have you been?" Lady Syria asks clearly annoyed.

" Told you I didn't know where you kept your gowns, I got lost " I say laying her gown on the bed.

" That still doesn't give you the right to take forever. The dinner is in two hours " She says pacing the room.

" You have two hours Lady Syria, that is enough time for you to get ready " I say rolling my eyes. *Scoffs* royalty these days.

" You know how long it takes me to get my hair and makeup done? *Scoffs* of course you don't, " your new" " She says putting emphasis on the new. " They just had to give me a fool to be my maid " She mutters. I roll my eyes, she is lucky I'm her maid. The only reason I'm still here, doing this is because I want to find my mother and brother.

" Anyways lets get started " She says strutting over to her dresser which held a gigantic mirror. She sat down and started playing with her hair. I stood there looking around the room.

" Hello? Anybody up in there? I said lets get started " She said with more depth in her voice.

" Oh sorry " I say rushing over to her.

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