Chapter 16

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" I think I like this one better " I say smoothing out the balck and gold dress. " What do you think?"

" It is really pretty " Juliana smiles. Juliana is one of the maids in the palace and my new friend. She is a tall, midnight blue haired Asian with pretty light brown eyes. She is a really pretty girl and quit funny.

" Are you going to accompany me the coronation? " I ask.

" I don't know " She says.

" Oh please Juli. Macbeth is sick, so she can't accompany me. I need someone to talk to during the coronation. The prince is going to be to busy becoming a king and there really isn't anyone else I talk to. Well there is Tristan, but he is going to also be busy doing...well doing whatever it is he does. Oh please Juli, please " I beg.

" Oh alright alright. I will accompany you, as long as you promise not to abandon me at any time " She says.

" I promise " I smile.

" Now come on. We have to get your makeup and hair done. Step down will you " She says. I lift up the dress and gently step down the little podium. I wobble over to the mirror and sit down.

" Chop chop Juli. We have no time to waste " I say clapping my hands. She smiles and throws a paper at me.

" Shut up " She says making me giggle.

As we all know or should know, today is the coronation. The prince will no longer be known as the prince, but the king of Agrarian. I'm so happy for him, today is going to be such a special and wonderful day.


Knock Knock Knock

I knock on Macbeth's door and wait patiently for her to answer.

" Come * hoarse coughing * in * sneeze * " Macbeth says. I open the door and walk in to find her crawled up in a ball with tissues everywhere. My poor Macbeth.

" Hey sweetheart" I smile slightly.

" Hey * sneezes * Y/N " She says hoarsely. " What are you * coughing * doing here?" She questions.

" I came to see my best friend " I say lifting up the dress and plopping gently onto the edge of the bed.

" What about the coronation?" She asks sniffling.

" It doesn't start for another twenty minutes. I have some time " I say.

" You shouldn't be here * cough cough * I could get you sick. No one would like that * sneezes * " She says.

" Bless you my dear. I don't care if you get me sick. I have to check on you, I know you would do the same if I were in your position. Would you like anything? Tea possibly or some cough medicines. I could ask Juli to get you some " I say.

" Who is Juli?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows and blowing her nose.

" Juli come in here please " I call. Juliana then walks in with my cardigan in her arms.

" Yes " She says.

" Macbeth this is Juliana my new friend and Juliana this is Macbeth my best friend " I introduce them.

" Hello Macbeth, I've heard so much about you " She smiles.

" I can't say the same for you" Macbeth coughs while slightly rolling her eyes then glaring at me.

" I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier " I say.

" We should probably get going, your grace. We wouldn't want to be late, the queen nor the prince would we happy " Juli says.

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