Chapter 4

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Later on that night, we all fell asleep on the floor..but we were woken up by a snarling noise.

" Did you hear that?" I ask looking at the prince, who was the only one awake at the moment.

" Yea, shh " He says putting his finger to his lips. He stands up and pulls out his sword, then he starts heading for the direction of the noise.

" What are you doing?!" I whisper shout.

" Shh " He says and continues walking. What the Hell is wrong with him? He can't go alone. What if he gets hurt? He is our next king ( unfortunately ). I quickly stand up and follow him. I accidentally step on something and it cracks. The prince turns around ready to swing but he puts the sword down when he sees me.

" What are you doing?!" He shouts.

" You can't go alone, you might get hurt and whose going to send for help if you go alone?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.

" What if you get hurt? " He asks.

" *Scoffs* No one would care, I'm just a maid " I say.

" Your little boyfriend would care " He says.

" He is not my boyfriend" I blush looking down.

" *Chuckles * Then what- ...

He gets caught off when we hear another snarl but even louder and closer.

" Go back and warn the others " He says.

" If I go back and warn them, you'll have left and done something stupid " I say. He rolls his eyes again.

" Fine, just stay behind me at all times " He says turning around.

" Okay " I say. He starts walking again and I walk right behind him. I never realized how dark and scary the woods were at night. It feels like you're being watched. I hear another noise from behind, I turn around but there was nothing there. I moved closer behind the prince, maybe I shouldn't have come. I should have went back and woke the others up, I'm such an idiot.

" You okay back there?" The prince asks turning his head to face me.

" Yea, I'm fine " I say fake smiling.

" Are you sure?" He asks looking down at his arm. I also look down and realize I'm holding onto his arm tightly.

" Sorry " I say in embarrassment then I let go of his arm.

" It's fine...but you don't seem like one to be afraid of the woods " He says folding his arms.

" I'm not, it's just I'm rarely in the woods at night and now that I am here and there is some kind of beast out here, probably looking for us and trying to kill us ... Yea I am " I say.

" Well it's good not to-

We hear another snarl and leaves rustling, and sticks crack then everything falls silent. No wind is blowing, the trees are still, not a movement is made.

" I think we should go back " I whisper.

" Shh " He says pointing his finger to his lips. He then turns around and lifts the sword back up.

" My prince, I don't think-

I cut myself off when I see a pair of yellow eyes looking right at me. My eyes widen and I back up a bit. The creature moves forward and shows off his sharp white teeth. I gulp hard. I lift up my hand slowly and poke the prince.

" Shh " He says. I poke him again a bit harder.

" What?!" He shouts and turns around. His eyes also widen and he freezes. The beast snarls again and narrows its eyes. The prince slowly lifts up his sword then steps forward.

" What are you doing? " I whisper.

" Shh " He says. Ugh, he is so aggravating. He needs to stop with the shushing. The beast curls up his mouth and some what smirks. It arches up its back, getting ready to leap at any moment. I shiver a bit and back up more.

" I think we should " I say. My heart starts beating really fast, my throat is dry, and I'm scared.

" Not today sweetheart, I'm going to kill me a beast. Maybe then my father will appreciate me more " He says.

" What do you-

I get caught off when the beast snarls again, more loud and fiercer...then the next thing you know it leaps at the Prince. I scream so loud and absolutely terrified for my life and the prince's. The beast starts clawing at the Prince but the Prince dodges the sharp nails and raises up his sword and elbows the beast. The beast falls off the Prince and snarls once again, its eyes turning darker and its stance much firmer. Tears start forming in my eyes, I have no clue why... but they are. The beast leaps once again at the Prince and claws at his shoulder. The Prince screams out in pain and holds his shoulder. The beast growls and charges at him again, but the prince brings his knife back up and slams it right in the beast's leg. It winces and falls down. But it gets back up and growls then charges at the prince making him fall down and drop his sword. The beasts standings on top of the prince and snarls and hisses in his face. I start panicking, what do I do? What do I do? I've never killed an animal before, ever. I love animals, well except cats, I hate them. I look around and see a big stick on the floor. I pick it up and walk slowly over to the animal. I raise the stick up and bring it down right on the beast's back. It winces and falls to its side. I drop the stick and help the prince up. He bends down and picks up his sword.

" * Clears his throat * mm, thank you " He says.

" No problem " I say. He looks at me and smiles a bit. God, his smile is everything. I smile back a  bit and go into a little trans. I hope when we get married and have kids, they have his smile...and his hair. Definitely his hair, mine is a mess. I would never want my kids to have hair like mine, I mean maybe it's nice but how would I know it's always in a messy ponytail and never brushed. Maybe I should-

I get cut off, when the beast growls again and starts to stand up. You've got to be kidding me, really?

" I think we better go " He says.

" Maybe I should just-

" Now!!" He raises his voice, He grabs my arm and starts dragging me through the forest. The total opposite direction of where the others are.

" Where are you going? The others are over there " I say looking the other way.

" If we go that way, we will lead the creature to where everyone else is. Then we are all dead " He says running faster. Oh yeah, smart idea...but does he know where we will go instead? He lets go of my arm moving the bushes, and sticks out of the way. I pick up my dress and run as fast as I can right behind him, cause right behind me was the beast...and it seemed really angry. We are running and running really fast and I'm really tired. My legs hurt and I got bruises on my arms from all the branches. I must have been concentrating to hard on the pain I am feeling because I don't notice the tree branch on the floor and I trip over it and fall on the floor. I flip myself over and I was just about to get up when the beast pounces on me. I scream louder than I ever have. The beast snarls in my face ( obviously telling me to shut up ) I close my mouth and scream inside. Oh God, this is it...this is where I die, how I die. I haven't even lived my life to the fullest yet, I haven't found my mother or brother yet. I won't be able to tell them that I love them, Oh God. Tears are pouring out of my eyes now. The beast lifts up his sharp claws then....

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