Chapter 7: Meeting The Three Bears and kidnapped four animals

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AN: Quick note for Naptuno Films: The Three Bears. Unlike classic fairy tale version, The Three Bears befriends With Vicky, they'll be together forever. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

"I bet the porridge is cold." Ma Bear said disappointed while she, Pa Bear, and their son, Cuddly, returning home. "I don't like cold porridge." Cuddly said. "Well, I'll eat it then." Ma Bear said. Once they're inside, they're noticed three bowls are empty. It looks like someone ate their supper. Pa Bear looks at empty bowl confused, and said "Somebody ate my porridge?" Then Ma Bear and her son noticed too. "Look, somebody has eaten our porridge. How strange." She said. "I don't know. Maybe it evaporated." Pa Bear said, scratch his head. "Maybe ghosts did it." Cuddly wondered. "Ghost? There's no such thing as ghosts. Besides, they don't like porridge." His father replied. "How do you know that?" He asked him. "What? That ghosts don't exist?" He then asked his son. "No, no, that they don't like porridge." He finally replied. "Now stop this nonsense!" Ma Bear yells at them.

"We've got two problems that we have to solve right now!" This causing Pa Bear is told by his wife. "Two problems, you say? What are those two problems, Ma Bear?" He asked her. "Well, first of all, we have to find out who stole our supper." She first replied. "And what's the second problem then?" Pa Bear asked her. "What are gonna eat now?" She asked. "I don't know, but it definitely won't be porridge, you know?" He said, and laughed. He then noticed they're stare at him confused. "Oh, come on. Don't look at me that way. I was just kidding, you know?" Pa Bear just joking. "Pa Bear, this is no time to be kidding! We could be in real danger." Ma Bear got mad at her husband. "Calm down, Ma Bear. You're not in any danger while I'm here." He finally replied.

It wasn't until Cuddly heard someone snoring, then his parents heard too. They looked back, and they then saw white blanked gets up, and yawning, causing them to scream in fear. But, someone who was behind at white blanket was actually a girl, along with five cosplayed animal kids, and five animals, and she said "Hi." This causing three bears are confused when they first time saw them. The eleven of them waked up for their nap. Three of them then smiled at them, they're not even mad. "Huh?" Red squirrel said confused. "Hey, they're not even mad, they just first met us, guys." Fennec fox replied. "Oh, you're right, Pammee." Rimu said. "Who are you?" Vicky asked. This is their first time met Three Bears. They can tell them what happened.


Meanwhile at the big castle, Dr. Egghead is in lab, he's making a liquid to make his own hair, once he finished, he says "At last! I've invented definitive hair potion." He said. He then spill potion on his head, causing a flea gets out at his head as soon as one drop of potion fall down. He rubs his head, and laughs. "I just need to wait" He said. After a few seconds, the flowers pops up on his head, he then takes a reflection, and screamed. A frog, inside at liquid of water and wears diving mask, points its head. Dr. Egghead then remove flowers at his head.

Dumpy and Silly arrived at castle, with four animals that they caught them. "Drat! Who are they?" He snarled. "We found them in the forest, they're so hairy. we thought you'd like them." He explained. "I don't like them! Their colors are too low! Get out of here!" He said. "Sparkee, where on earth are we?" Lesser panda asked skunk. "Huh? What the heck?! What kind of place is that?!" Sparkee said in shock. "Maybe for a carnival wig, hm?" Silly said. "It'd really be a hot wig." Dr, Egghead heard his conversation. "Hmm. It's not bad idea."

Suddenly, koala starts to crying, causing Sparkee got worried about him. "Oh, dear..." She said in worriment. "Yippie! Great! I like carnival! Great!" Purple dog said, throwing confettes around him. "What are you talking about, Happy Dog? We're got trapped. Gosh." Harpee snarled. "Shut this crybaby up before I go death, right now!" He sees a skunk tries to comfort koala, while lesser panda got annoyed at dog's nonsense. "It's okay, Kimbo. Don't cry." Sparkee said as she's comforting Kimbo while crying. "Calm down, Kimbo. How about a joke." He asked his opposite friend. "Geez, this is no time for joke. She's trying to comfort your friend." Harpee told him. "Yeah, Silly like jokes." Silly then said. "You what?!" Sparkee said in shock. "Great! And last I've got an audience." He said. "Can you knock it off for goodness sake?" Harpee then asked him to knock it off. "What a couple of looney tunes! And what about a girl, huh?!" He asked them. "Boss went after her. He'll bring her back soon. I'm almost really sure." Dumpy replied. "Yeah, Boss will bring her." Silly said.

Boss then arrive, and said "Nah, I'm afraid I won't. She slep me at the last moment. I almost had her. Drat!" The four animals shocked as they saw blue troll arrived. Shoot. You gotta be kidding me. Harpee thought in terror. This is terrible. There's no way to get out of here... Sparkee then thought herself in horror. "You're bunch of good for nothing, you know!" Dr. Egghead snarled. "Calm down. Next time, I'll get her." Boss said to Dr. Egghead. "Then get going right this minute." He then demands them. "What if we leave it till tomorrow? It's very dark now." Boss asked him. "I said this minute!" Causing four animals gasped. Oh, no! Not at Furry Five, even Kamihama Kirumins, and Vicky! Sparkee's mind screamed. "How can we find out where she is now?" Boss asked him. "It's kind of hard to find your way in the woods when it's dark." Dumpy then agree with him, and said "Oh, it is, and it's full of big monsters."

"You're bunch of hairy cowards." Dr. Egghead said, he think they're cowards. "Incidentally, when can we all have a bite to eat?" Boss asked him. "When you're completely finished with the job, of course." Dr. Egghead then replied. "You could give us a little something for the four animals we brought you, huh?" Dumpy even asked him. "Yes, a wonderful holiday in the dungeons." He think it. "Yes, Doc is not exactly cool." Boss said, thinking their master is not axactly cool. "Come on. Get working, and lock these four in the basement." He said as three trolls left the castle. Dr. Egghead sigh, and said "I'll soon have beautiful blond hair." the imagination could appears a him with blond hair, and Vicky without her hair, and gasped. He laughs maniaclly, causing four of them got terrified. This is bad. They gonna lock us in the dungeon. I wonder if YooHoo and others gonna be here for us. I really hope they could save us. So do Harpee, and both of them. Sparkee thought to herself, she hopes if eleven of them are gonna rescue them.

Animal Friends (The Tale of The Three Bears inspired fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora