Chapter 17: Night disaster

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Happy Dog, holds flashlight, and Harpee are gone at river to fill bottle of water. "Oh, this is really great fun." He said. "N-no, it's not." Harpee said, getting scared. Then, the three monsters appears behind both of them. Happy Dog then moves branch away to make him and Harpee move on. He left a branch, causing it hit three of them, spins around, then got send flying back, and then fall on the ground. "What was that? I heard a noise." Happy Dog asked Harpee, he noticed a noise. "Maybe it was nothing happened." Harpee said. The three monsters are annoyed after they got hit by branch. The ghost stands up, causing Skeleton and Zombie stands up as well. The both of them noticed their body are swapped, they then swap their head back in their own body.

Happy Dog fills a bottle in river. "Come on, Happy Dog. Hurry up." Harpee said. The three monsters are coming towards both of them. The ghost is fixing to attack them. The flash light turned off. "What the?" Harpee asked. Happy Dog then noticed Flash Light is off. "What happened?" She asked him. "I ran out of battery." He replied. "Dang. Those batteries are cheap." Harpee said, annoyed. Happy Dog takes his hat off his head, he puts flash light on his hat, and then takes torch out, said, "Lucky I have a flare with me." and a torch burns ghost's face, causing him to scream in pain. And then flies away after he got burned, and falls. Both Skeleton and Zombie screams, and runs away. "It gives off a good light." Happy Dog said as he puts his hat back on his head. "And we finally filled bottle of water. Let's go back to our friends." Harpee Said. He nodded, and both of them left the river. The ghost fall down on the ground. He got dizzy after fall down. The beehive also fall down, which bee appears, and said "Are looking for trouble, brat?" The ghost still feels dizzy. "After him, guys!" Bee said. The ghost got confused when holds beehive, the bees comes out, and attack him, screaming in pain.


Meanwhile, the fourteen of them are waiting until Happy Dog and Harpee comes back. Nagisa then sees Sparkee and Kimbo still sleeping. "Man, this takes so long." Ken said. "I know. We have to wait both of them." Riko then said. "Happy's taking too long." Cuddly said, he wonders where both of them are gone. "We better get him." Vicky said. "Okay." YooHoo agreed. Cuddly was shocked, while both of them still sleeping. "And leave Kimbo and Sparkee alone?" Nagisa asked her. "He's asleep. Won't notice? Are you scared of ghosts? Huh?" Vicky asked. "What are you talking about?" Lemmee then asked. But Cuddly notices someone's coming. "I'm just afraid of this one." He said, points a ghost. They turned around, and screams. "OH, MY GOSH! IT REALLY IS!" Riko screamed. Everyone are freaking out, until Sparkee wakes up a bit. "Can you guys be quiet? We're trying to sleep." Sparkee asked them. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Nagisa said. The ghost then scaring them to death, they running away in fear, and accidentally blew Sparkee and Kimbo away from them. Kimbo then cries, while Sparkee said, "Are you guys serious!?" Vicky and Nagisa then takes red koala and pink striped skunk at bush. "Come on." She said.

The ghost laughed, and reveals himself to be Happy Dog. "I sure got a heck of a scare." He laughed. The others noticed the ghost was actually Happy Dog in disguise. "It was Happy Dog." Vicky realised. "Happy Dog fooled us." Cuddly said. "How on earth did he scared us like this?" Lemmee asked. "What a fool." Riko annoyed. "Hey, where's KImbo and Sparkee? Where did they go?" Vicky asked them. Nagisa then noticed both of them fell asleep again. "Oh, looks like they fell asleep again. Although they're cute after all." She explained. "We don't have to worry about them." Cuddly said. "I agree with you. And let's take them to tent, they'd sleep well." Pammee said. Others agrees with her. "Gee, I forgot the water bottle at the river. I'll have to go and get it." Happy Dog realised that he accidentally forgot water bottle, and gone to get them, causing Harpee got really annoyed. Happy Dog, you idiot. I can't believe you forgot water bottle. Harpee thought after Happy Dog forgot water bottle. Vicky and Cuddly holds Kimbo, while Riko and Rimu holds Sparkee, and they put both of them inside of the tent.

Harpee then a noticed a real ghost over there. "Hey, look who's back?" Vicky asked, comes out at tent with Cuddly. They saw a ghost, they wondered if Happy Dog came back to scare them again. Vicky and Cuddly winks each other, and comes out at tent. "Where did come from?" Chewoo asked. "I don't know. But it's from unknown reason." Tamao replied. "A ghost? I love ghosts." Cuddly said. "You, what?" Lemmee asked in shock. "Take this flower." He said, gives flower to ghost, and water comes out at flowers, and splashes him. Cuddly laughed and said, "Its dirty." The ghost growls. "Let's clean it." Vicky said. Cuddly is gone to get the washing machine with wringer. "Inside." He said as he takes the ghost in the washing machine. "We'll have to use a delicate cycle." Cuddly said, turns on the washing machine, causing ghost spins. "What if we need some bleach too?" He asked Vicky. "Let's not go to far." She said. He turned the washing machine off. "Well, that's it. Now, let's wring it out." He said. The both of them wringing the ghost. The Kamihama Kirumins and Furry Five are pretty confused by what they seeing. "That will teach you not to play these kind of jokes, Happy Dog." Cuddly said.

Happy Dog then arrived, and asked, "What kind of jokes?" The others saw Happy Dog came back. "Practical jokes. I was telling you- Huh?" He started, but noticed Happy Dog was here. "Happy Dog?" He asked. He looks at ghost, and got scared. "Ghost." He stammered. "Oh, my gosh." YooHoo said. "This is bad." Riko then said. The skeleton showed up. "And that other one." He said. "It is really a ghost." Vicky said. And zombie also shows up. "AHH! There's three of them. RUN!!" Chewoo screamed. Others screaming. "Let's get out of here! Come on! Hurry!" Happy Dog exclaimed. The fourteen of them running away. The three monsters chasing after them. They all hided in bush. "Are we safe?" Cuddly asked. "I think so." Happy Dog said. The others notices something appears before them. "AH! What the heck is that?" Roodee screamed. "Run!" Nagisa said. The fourteen of them running away, the bats were inside at bush. The three monsters then gone at tent. "Phew. What a night." Cuddly said. "Looks like an actual nightmare." Ken said. "It is." Lemmee said. "And Kimbo still asleep." Happy Dog said. "Even Sparkee." YooHoo then said. "Kimbo!" Vicky screamed, she realised. "Oh, no. Not even Sparkee." Nagisa also realised. "What if the monsters get them?" She asked, they realised that they forgot red koala and pink striped skunk.

The three monsters kidnapped both Kimbo and Sparkee, who are still sleeping. The fourteen of them stop running. "Look!" She said. The three monster walking, taking both of them, at cave. "They got Kimbo and Sparkee!" Nagisa shocked. They got in cave, and saw three monsters taking both of them somewhere. "Where can this cave lead to? This is all very mysterious." Cuddly said. "And really scary." Happy Dog added. Poor Kimbo and Sparkee. I'm extremely worried about them. Nagisa thought to herself. Roodee was scared a bit, but calmed down by YooHoo. "Come on guys. We have to rescue both of them." He said. "Right!" His friends agrees with him. "Poor koala and skunk. We have to save them." Nagisa said. "If you say so, sis. Let's go." Rimu said. The rest of Kamihama Kirumins nods as they're ready to rescue Sparkee and Kimbo from kidnapping.

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