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Sunday was proving to be a little slow and Renjun was quite bored. He decided to work on his order for the following week while Jeno and Jaemin tend to customers. He sits in a booth on his laptop sipping jasmine tea and typing away. He hears the door open and thinks nothing of it but then he hears a group of Chinese speakers and is intrigued. He looks up with his glasses perched low on his nose to see a group of three, all discussing what to get. He walks up behind them and starts making recommendations in Chinese, surprising all of them.
"Hi. I'm the owner of this Cafe. My name is Huang Renjun." He holds his hand out to shake.
"I'm Kun, this is my boyfriend Hendery and our friend Xiaojun." He smiles kindly.
"It's nice to meet you all." He says before excusing himself and going back to his table. He smiles to himself, he likes making new friends and maybe if one of them needs a job, he could hire on that overnight crew. He gets back to work and is concentrating heavily when he notices a shadow beside him.
"Oh, hi. Have a seat." He says to the one named Xiaojun.
"My friends will be here soon if that's ok?" He nods.
"Of course." When the others finally arrive to the table, him and Xiaojun are deep in conversation about where they grew up and the other two easily slip into the conversation.

"What do you suppose they are talking about?" Jeno asks his boyfriend.
"I don't know but that one seems like he might like Renjun." Jeno makes a shocked face only to get an elbow to the ribs.
"What is that face? You should be happy for him and why would you be so surprised anyway. He's a cutie and such a nice guy?" He asks with a frown. Jeno rolls his eyes and pulls him toward the back.
"How do you not know that Haechan has been in love with him forever?" He asks in a shouted whisper. Jaemin's face shows shock.
"Wait really? I just thought he was a flirt?" Jeno rolls his eyes and kisses his lips softly.
"No babe he loves him." He looks at Renjun but Jeno can tell his wheels are spinning.
"How do you know?" He asks quietly.
"I just guessed. You can tell by how he looks at him. I think maybe Chenle is the only other one of us that knows." He nods and kisses Jeno's lips.
"Should we try to get them together?" He asks excitedly. Jeno shakes his head no.
"They are big kids, let them handle it. I told him to just go out alone with him a lot so he can try to impress him and that's why they went to the beach alone on Saturday." Jaemin's eyes get big.
"Oh that's so cute." Jeno hugs him again.
"Let's get back to work baby. We have a few customers." Jaemin jumps and hurries to the counter.
"Sorry for the wait. What can I get you?" He asks nicely.
Soon it's time to close and all are happy about that. Sunday they close earlier in the evening. The group of three who have pretty much held Renjun hostage at the table all day, not that he minds, are still talking to him. 
"We have to close now, maybe you can come back another time and we can talk more?" Renjun asks to his new friends.
"We definitely will." Kun says before they stand to leave. Renjun clears the table and goes to the back to grab a rag to wipe all the tables while the other two clean the rest.
"Sorry I wasn't much help guys. They were so interesting though. I can't wait to introduce them to Chenle." Jeno just smiles stiffly.
"Work harder tomorrow." He says showing his annoyance. Renjun pouts to Jaemin who shrugs and turns his head.
"I said I was sorry. I'll buy you dinner?" He asks. They smirk at each other then nod to him.
"Ok come on. We can get sushi." He says as he grabs his keys to lock up.

"So, who were those boys you were talking to today?" Jaemin asks, receiving an elbow from Jeno.
"Oh they are from China. I don't know, I heard them talking and introduced myself and we just hit it off. They are just here visiting a friend but he was busy today." Jeno feels relieved, he loves both Haechan and Renjun and he hopes everything works out with them. He knows that Haechan should have manned up ages ago but he also understands how scary it is to date a friend. The possibility of losing them is greater, because then you not only lose a boyfriend but you lose a friend too.
"How was the beach last weekend?" Jaemin asks.
"It was so much fun. I haven't played like that in so long." He says with literal sparkles in his eyes. Both Jeno and Jaemin give knowing looks at the same time.
"It was like when we were kids, it was nice." He says softly. They both smile and start to eat.
"Haechan said he had a lot of fun too." Jeno says.
Renjun smiles brightly and stuffs his face making them laugh.

After a nice dinner Renjun went home by himself as usual. He's tired of being lonely and is a bit envious of the rest of them for having someone to hold and love. He watches a little tv before showering and heading to bed. He snuggles into his body pillow before falling asleep quickly.
When he wakes the next day for the early shift he grumbles. He didn't sleep well last night, so he's crankier than usual but he will make it. When he gets to his front door the bell rings startling him. Who would be at the door at 4:30 in the morning? He wonders. He peeks through the hole to see Haechan of course.
"What are you doing here?" He asks as he's readying himself to leave.
"I figured I'd drive you since we both open. It sucks riding the bus this early." Renjun smiles softly and nods.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." Haechan just smiles in return. They make small talk all the way there, mostly about nothing in particular.
"You look so nice today Junie." He says sweetly as they get out of the car, making the other blush.
"Thanks. You also look nice." He says shyly. Haechan thanks him and waits for him to unlock.
They busy themselves with the task of getting everything set up. Haechan fills sugar and creamer dispensers and Renjun checks all the syrups and grinds enough beans for the morning. He turns to walk to the back room and Haechan grabs him for one of his impromptu hugs. He laughs and hugs back briefly before telling him to get to work.
"Sorry, you're just so cute and huggable." It isn't unusual for Haechan to get clingy with anyone, they all expect it from time to time. He's always been an affectionate person who loves to use touch as a way to show his love. He kisses the top of Renjun's head before getting pushed away.
"We have work to do, the customers will be here soon." He says with a chuckle.
"Yeah yeah." He says with a giggle.

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