Chapter Three

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Charlie led her into the dorm building for boys. He walked into the elevator and pressed the fifth button, the door shutting with a ding.

"So, quick warning." Charlie turned to her and continued. "My friends can be a bit much, especially Henry, Ian, and Kyle when it comes to hot girls. Though Ian recently got a girlfriend, so he'll hopefully back off a bit. You okay with the fact they might be hardcore flirting with you?"

"All I heard was that you think I'm hot." Luckily, the elevator dinged open at that moment so she could hair flip and sassily walk away. She stopped when she had to chose a direction to go, and waited for Charlie to catch up.

"Wow, we just met and you're already depending on me." He sling his arm around her shoulders as they turned left.

"I thought we've known each other for thirty or fourth years." She raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah well, tomato potato."

You mean toe-may-toe toe-mah-toe? Poh-tay-toe poh-tah-toe?"

"Yeah, exactly. Tomato potato."

"Woah, Charlie's got a girl?" A voice in front of them asked. Sophie turned her head and saw a boy who was pretty hot for a human. He has light chocolate skin, deep brown eyes, and brown hair that stood up, giving his already tall frame another inch or two of height. He was about a foot and a half taller than her, so Sophie had to actually look up to him.

"Nah Liam, this is Sophie. I met her on the street, was my usual hero self, and saved her from a bunch of drooly boys." When he said that, Sophie had a flashback to her first day at Foxfire, sitting with Jensi and his friends. It had been forever since she'd talked to Jensi, another pang of guilt, but she didn't want to drag any more innocent people into danger. She nearly jumped when she realized someone was shaking her.

"What?" She asked, looking into Charlie's worried eyes.

"You okay? You spaced out and got really pale, we were calling your name for like, three minutes."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, you just had us worried." Liam said, and that's when she noticed how much closer he'd gotten to them. "Ok, as much as I love space-y girl, what happened to getting us snacks?"

"She is the snack." Charlie winked and Sophie blushed.

"Umm, I don't think I agreed to that..." she replied.

"Yeah, no offense, but I don't think it's legal to turn you into chips."

"That sounds like some sort of Jeffery Dahmer crap." Sophie said and the two boys laughed.

"I think we've done enough standing in the hallways, the boys are waiting." Liam said and led them to a room at the end of the hall.

When they walked in, Sophie was knocked down, hitting the ground hard.

A/N: That was a really short chapter, but I really wanted to end the day on a cliffhanger, and that was the perfect opportunity. My update schedule is pretty mess up, but you guys should get another chapter tomorrow! Bye!

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