Chapter Fifty-Five (Keefe POV)

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This is why he loved Sophie. She was smart and great at thinking under pressure. She could always figure it out, no matter the problem. Plus she was really sweet and cute. And he just wanted to melt into a pile of goo whenever he saw her.

And he really wanted to see her. Dex quickly got out a tracker after Fitz severed their connection and laid it on the table. Fitz looked at it before closing his eyes again, sending the image to Sophie.

The big moment. They all sat still in anticipation, wondering if Edaline would be able to conjure it or not. Would Sophie's plan work? Would Keefe be able to see the girl he loved soon? He hoped so, he really did. But he had a bad feeling about it. About all of it. Something big was about to go down. And Keefe didn't think he would be able to save her. 

But he would try. He would definitely try. Anything for his Foster. He sighed with relief as the tracker disappeared. Dex quickly whipped out his gadget thingy and showed them the location of the tracker. 

The red dot was somewhere in the middle of a human town called Tokyo. Keefe snapped his head in the direction of the Black Swan collective.

"We'll send a team of goblins, ogres, dwarves, and a few of you. I'd say..." Tiergan looked to the rest of the collective then back to them. "Marella, Biana, Dex, and Wraith. That's all."

As one would assume, there was much arguing among those who didn't get picked to go. Especially Keefe. It wasn't his fault that he wanted to see her as soon as possible. What if something goes wrong during the rescue? What if she didn't make it back? Keefe would never get to see her again. See her smile, her laugh, the way her eyes twinkled when he approached her. None of it.

Keefe realized he needed her. He couldn't life without her. He fell for her, too hard. And if she didn't make it back, he would shatter into pieces.

"Okay everyone just be quiet for a second!" Tiergan interrupted the yelling. "The group is final and that is that. We need you to leave as soon as possible, okay? We don't know what type of torture they might put her through so you all need to stop arguing and just let the most capable group save her." 

Not a sound could be heard inside the room. The group just stood up and left while the rest sat in silence.

They waited.

And waited.

And waited for them to come back. 

"Should we be worried?" Fitz asked after an hour.

"I don't know." Wylie replied. "I think they should be fine. They're strong. Even if they don't rescue those three, they'll make it out alive. But knowing them, they'll get Sophie, Edaline, and Forkle out alive as well." Even though the words were meant to be reassuring, they did nothing but worry him more.

"Foster's strong. She'll-" Linh gasped in the middle of what Keefe was saying. Her veins turned a blinding white color as she collapsed to the ground. She shook as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her head snapped back.

Everyone panicked, trying to figure out what to do and what was wrong with her. Little did they know, it wasn't her that something was wrong with.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the short chapters. Hopefully they'll be getting longer... probably not but still. Hope you enjoyed it, eat food and drink water, don't pass out, bye!


QotD: if you could talk to any person, living, fictional, or dead, who would it be?

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