Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Don't leave me.

Don't let go.

Keep fighting.

The young girl's voice changed to that of a man's.

They're here.

Wake up!

Sophie wake up!


Brightness flooded Sophie's vision as her eyes snapped open. Lights were red and blue, and they were flashing. Sirens wailed in the distance. And as everything came into focus, Charlie's head was leaning over hers.

"What happened?" Sophie asked. Everything was foggy, all she could remember was going to bed the night before. Then she took in her surroundings. The cafeteria. Henry's unconscious body. Charlie bleeding. Tam's dead body. She was still clinging to it as the previous night's events came rushing back. 

"How long was I asleep?" 

"Only for about a minute. You passed out after you called Officer Pohlman to get help."

"Are you okay?" His stab wound did not look good. At all. Blood was still seeping through the makeshift bandage they made from Tam's cloak.

"Yeah, I should be fine given that an ambulance is here now." He took a deep breath before speaking again. "You should probably let go..."

Even though he didn't specify what, Sophie knew he was talking about Tam. But she couldn't bear to let go. She had killed him. Her friend. Tears started to drip from her face again as the guilt flowed in. Her mind was on the verge of breaking. But she couldn't break. She needed to be strong, for her friends, for Charlie, for Tam. 

Tam wouldn't want her to break. He would want her to keep going, stay strong. And she would. But she still hugged Tam closer and gently kissed his forehead, a friendly goodbye.

Sophie was exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally. She could hardly see when the paramedics came rushing in along with police. She knew how it would look. Charlie bleeding out, her holding a dead body, Henry unconscious in the corner. But Officer Pohlman said she knew her, knew she wouldn't do it.

Thankfully, no questioning happened as Charlie was carried out on a stretcher and Sophie was lead outside. She couldn't see what happened with Tam, all she saw was him being carried out.

Five minutes later, Sophie was wrapped in a blanket sitting on the back of an ambulance. Officer Pohlman and some other police were sitting next to her, trying to get some answers out of her. But she couldn't stop shaking. Shaking shaking shaking, there was no stop. Until she got out two words.

"Henry. Ian."

"Were they the killers?" All Sophie could do was nod.

"And who was the other guy? The one you were holding?"

"Killer, friend."

"He was your friend, but he was one of the killers?" She gave another shaky nod.

"You didn't hang out with him before, did you just meet him?"

"No. Old friend."

"Your old friend tried to kill you?"

"Didn't want to. Was forced."

"Who forced him?"

Sophie felt like Eleven from Stranger Things when she said, "Bad people."

"What kind of bad people, have they hurt you before?"


"Why were they trying to kill you?"

"Always have."

"Always have what? They always have tried to kill you?"


"Why haven't the police been notified of murderers after you?"

"Can't say."

"'Can't say' as in you don't know, or you actually can't tell us?"

"Can't tell."

"You've had a long day, just sit here and I'll go get you some hot chocolate, okay?" Sophie nodded and sniffed, wiping the tears away. All the police walked away to give her some much needed space.

Sophie curled her knees up to her chest and wrapped the blanket tighter around her. She didn't feel safe, couldn't feel safe. Especially not with the sound of pounding footsteps.

"Sophie!" Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. She couldn't face them, not after what happened. Maybe never again.

So, she got up and ran. Or tried to at least. Officer Zimmerman was standing in her way.

"Hey hey hey. Where do you think you're going?" His gravely voice asked.

"Away, I need to go away."

"You can't go anywhere, sit back down." He forced her back to the ambulance then walked away, keeping an eye on her from a distance.

"Foster." She turned and Keefe was. Right. There.

"Go away." She scrambled out of the ambulance and stayed a good ten feet away. Tam was dead, but she couldn't be near them. She couldn't tell them that she killed him. They would hate her. 

Dex stepped up, "Sophie please-"

"No! You need to stay away. Please." Sophie backed up as far as she could and her friends stayed where they were.

Sophie. Shoot. Fitz was in her head.

Yes I am. You can talk to us. Tam contacted Linh a few months ago. He told her everything. We know why you're trying to stay away from us, but it's useless. He's already dead.

"He's already dead." Fitz repeated out loud.

"I k-know."

"Then why are you staying away from us?" Biana asked. 

"Tam is dead because of me." Linh approached her slowly. Sophie stood still as her hand was enclosed in both of Linh's.

"What do you mean. Can you tell me, please?"

"I killed him." Before she could process Linh's reaction, a fist collided with her nose for the second time that night.

A/N: this chapter it pretty late in the day but I hope you all enjoyed it!!! Please comment and vote, I'll see you later. Bye!


QotD: What do you wanna be when you're older?

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