Chapter Twelve

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The darkness swirled around her, swallowing her into it's deadly abyss. She saw blood, so much blood. She was swimming in it. Drowning in it. Eventually, a light appeared. It was bright, shining from far away.

Sophie swam towards it. After excruciatingly long hours of swimming, she reached a wall. She was stuck in a box. But the wall had an opening that light could peak through. She hauled herself through the hole and into a room that was pure light. The walls, ceiling, and floor were bright white and shining. She turned around and the hole was gone.

"SOPHIE!" A scream pierced the air, the sound taking a solid form and bouncing off the walls. Sophie ducked and covered her ears. Louder noises reverberated around the room, attacking her from all angles. She curled up into a ball, crying on the floor.

A shrill scream pierced the air, followed by the sound of shattering glass as the room of light broke and dropped her into the darkness. Streaks of dark blue and purple mixed with the darkness. Sophie could see faces. Amy. Her human parents. Dex. Keefe. Biana. All of her old friends. All of her new friends. But one thing in common with them all.

They were all bleeding. Wounds covered their bodies, the Neverseen eye laying right next to them.

Sophie dropped into another room, it was completely dark but the walls were visible. Suddenly, the wall in front of her lit up with words.

You will never be safe.

You can't protect everyone.

You only hurt people.

You're dangerous.

Save yourself the pain.

Give in to the Neverseen.

"STOP!!!!" She shouted and punched at the walls. Naturally, that didn't work, and that's when Sophie realized she was in her mind. There had to be a way to escape. Then Sophie remembered something from Divergent, one of her favorite books and movies.

"This isn't real." She quoted and imagined the wall breaking. As soon as the thought appeared in her mind, the wall shattered like a mirror and she escaped into a bright light that opened her eyes.


When Sophie woke up all she heard was beeping.

A heart monitor.

She hadn't heard one of those since she had an allergic reaction when she was nine. She looked around and saw that she was in a hospital bed. When she sat up, she felt completely fine. A doctor rushed in immediately.

"Miss Foster?"


"What do you remember last?"

"You walking in and asking me a question." Sophie replied snarkily.

The doctor laughed and sat in the chair next to her. "Before you passed out, I meant."

"Right, umm... we'll we were at a restaurant, then a waiter spilled a drink on me, then I passed out."

"Alright, so you know what made you pass out?"

"It looked like blood, stained my white shirt. I thought I was bleeding."

"Okay, how you experienced anything traumatizing before? What we're looking at seems a lot like a PTSD flashback or panic attack."


"Care to tell me what happened?"


"Alright, are you up for visitors?"


The doctor walked out of the room and later all of Sophie's new friends ran in.

Charlie shoved all the others out of the way. "What happened?"

"It was nothing, I'm fine, see?"

"How are we supposed to believe that?" Teresa asked, gesturing to her sitting in the bed.

"Because I'm completely and totally fine, just ask the doctor." After a few more minutes of reassuring them the doctor came back in, prescribed her some meds to help with flashbacks and panic attacks, then she signed herself out and they were off to the campus.

"Excited to get your dorm?" Liam asked her.

"Wait, that's today?! I'm gonna get my dorm!" Sophie started jumping up and down with Teresa and May. This had been a day she'd been waiting for. A chance to meet someone new, be on her own with the exception of one person. Basically a kid with an annoying sibling's dream.

Sophie grabbed May and Teresa's hands and started running down campus to the dorm sign in. There were tons of cars parked and students filing in. Sophie's friends joined the line, and after a few minutes they made it to the front.

"Sophie Foster." She told the receptionist lady.

"Alright, here's your form. It had your form number and roommate on it."

"Thank you."

Sophie rushed over to her friends so they could gush over it together.

"What does it say?!" Teresa squealed.

"I'm dorm 26C in the girl's building with Bella Isley."

"That's right next to ours!" May shouted then pulled her to the building. She showed that her room was 25C then stole the key from Sophie and unlocked her dorm. When they stepped in, the first thing that Sophie noticed was how plain it was. The second thing was how big it was for a college dorm. There was already a tv and a couch, even though it was obvious Bella hadn't been there yet.

Sophie's friends helped her put her stuff away, agreed they would go shopping to decorate the next day, then left. She hopped on her bed, where she had a clear view of the tv in the living area, then turned on Stranger Things. She was behind by three seasons and needed to catch up immediately.

A/N: that chapter took me an unaturally long amount of time to write, but it's finished now and that's all that matters! In the next chapter, I get to introduce Bella, who I hope you all will like. Also, thank you guys so much for fifty votes and over three hundred views!!!! I'm a few chapters, I'm going to have another pov change so look out for that. I think that chapter will be on... Friday? I don't remember, but again, thank you!!! Please vote and comment what you think! Ily guys, by!

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