Chapter Fifty-Two (Biana POV)

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"Did we do something wrong?" Biana asked her friends.

"What do you mean?" Fitz asked.

"Sophie. It seems like she's avoiding us. Yes, a lot has been going on since she's come back, but she would've at least hailed one of us, or at least answer our hails."

"I actually agree. We know her better than those humans and she needs us right now more than them." Marella agreed. "We can help her get past whatever happened at the hideout better than they can."

"We should go see her." Dex suggested and everyone agreed. He held up his crystal and they all joined hands as they stepped into the light.


It was a mess when they got there.

The humans were screaming into a fire surrounding the Panakes Tree. The dark haired boy, Kyle, spotted the elves and ran towards them.

"What's going on?" Keefe asked with a worried look in his eyes. "Did something happen to Sophie?"

"We-We don't know. She was sitting out here then got up and started walking towards us, then the ground exploded and fire surrounded the tree and her. The flames are too tall to see her."

Biana took off, rushing towards the flames. 

"Linh! Put it out!" A giant water hand smacked the fire but it didn't go out. Biana cussed.

"I've got this!" Marella shouted and parted the flames. But no one was there. Keefe walked to the tree and crouched. When he stood up and walked over to them, he was looking at an object in his hands. 

The Neverseen symbol.

"They-They got her. She's gone." He whimpered.

"They kidnapped her?" Charlie asked. All Keefe did was nod. Biana cussed. Really loud. Everyone stared at her.

"Don't you guys see? We're screwed! They have Sophie, they have Forkle, there's no way we're getting either back now!" She started crying. Fitz walked over and wrapped his sister in a tight hug.

"We're not screwed. We have to get her back." Linh said just hardly above a whisper.

"Well we can't just wait here! I'm calling Tiergan, Dex, can you call your mom?" Fitz asked, taking charge.

In a matter of minutes everybody they knew was there.

"So you're saying there was fire?" Granite asked after they repeated the story. Biana nodded her head. Whatever he was thinking, it had better been important. She was worried about her best friend and needed to know she was okay. What if they Neverseen were torturing her right then while they talked about fire?!

"But isn't Fintan still in his prison? Did they get another pyrokinetic?" Squall questioned. Then it hit Biana. They were right. Fintan had to still be in his prison. So who set the fire?

"I'll call the guards and Council, see what they know." Tiergan told them and pulled out his imparter while walking outside. 

Everyone was scared, Biana could tell. What if Fintan was out? It would be chaos. He was worse than Gisela. The young Vacker was terrified for the fate of her friend.

"Bad news." Tiergan said as he walked back in. "Fintan's out. But I guess that also could be good news since they don't have another pyrokinetic."

But it also meant that Sophie was in the hands of one of the most ruthless people in all the Lost Cities.

A/N: slay Biana!!!!! Anyways, ilya, thanks for reading, don't eat raw meat! Bye!!!


QotD: How many pairs of shoes do you own?

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