Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Sophieeeeeeee!" Bella sang as she dragged her out of bed. It was two days since the party and the group decided to go on a big date together. Teresa was calling it the Sotokyreebiam plus Charlie and May date. Terrible name, but Teresa was so proud of it that they played along.

"Five more minutes." Sophie grumbled and shoved her head in her pillow. Cold air stung her bare legs and arms—her pjs consisted of shorts and a t-shirt—as even colder hands wrapped around her ankles and flung her onto the floor.

"Are you awake now?" Bella's annoyed tone made Sophie's head snap up. You do not want to see that girl angry.

"Yep, perfectly awake!"

"Good, now we need to get ready for the date! Reese and May are coming over, like for the party."

"Oh. Great." You could practically see the sarcasm dripping off of Sophie. A knock at the door interrupted whatever Bella was about to say.

"And that's them now." She looked smug as she went and opened the door. "Oh, what a surprise to see you here, Teresa Wahkan and May Davis." Bella dramatized.

"Shut up you dork! I get it!" Sophie yelled from the floor next to her bed.

"Oh she's extra angry today." May looked at Teresa and rubbed her hands together maniacally. "This is gonna be fun."

After hours of Sophie struggling and lots of glitter, the girls were finally ready for the date. Which didn't make sense since it was in three hours.

Sophie was wearing a strapless, extremely short, dress. The top was black with sparkly lace covering it, then the skirt was a shiny red material. Her hair was pulled into a high half up half down ponytail, then the rest hung wavy around her.

 Her hair was pulled into a high half up half down ponytail, then the rest hung wavy around her

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Bella had on a black dress with a longer back than front, with tight off the shoulder sleeves

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Bella had on a black dress with a longer back than front, with tight off the shoulder sleeves. Her hair was down with loose wavy curls.

 Her hair was down with loose wavy curls

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