Chapter Forty-Seven

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"Hello Miss Foster, thank you for joining us." Councilor Emery told her as she walked into his castle in Eternalia. Everyone on the council was wearing silver cloaks with a key pin to keep it together. They all could've passed off as the same person if you couldn't see their faces.

"I don't believe I would've had much of a choice." Somewhere in that sentence Sophie developed a posh, rich person voice that she had no idea where it came from.

"We still appreciate you willingly setting up this meeting." Oralie stepped in with the same voice Sophie used just moments before.

"Can we get along with the meeting." Bronte grumbled while adopting a posh voice. "We can talk later, I just want to focus on the problem at hand."

"And you think the humans are a 'problem?' They're people, just like us. And the Neverseen is the elves' problem. We should be the ones who deal with them, not humans. And they deserve to be protected just as much as any of us. So don't be specist, which is totally a word, and just give me the facts. How long can they stay, will they have bodyguards, that sort of thing."

Sophie felt badass. Like, diplomatic badass. One of her favorite things in the human world was calling people out on being sexist and racist, which you wouldn't know from her shy personality when she was twelve and younger. And the Councilors' dumbfounded expression definitely payed into that.

They quickly snapped out of their childish expressions and communed telepathically.

"We can get each of them a goblin bodyguard," Emery stated, "and they can stay until they're no longer in danger. As they have for the past couple of days, they will be staying at Havenfield. Now, onto other matters. You seem to have acquired a new fashion accessory?"

"Ability restrictor." She mumbled. Oralie, Terik, and Bronte all flinched at the memory of the one they made her wear a few years ago. "It's not like the last one, I can actually think and stuff, it just takes away my abilities and skills."

"Even so, we need to get it off immediately. It's turning you into a liability." Noland told her. Sophie snorted before full out laughing.

"A liability? I don't see you guys stopping a few murderers without abilities or skills. I don't think you could even if they were human and you had your abilities." Oralie smiled at her and gave her a subtle thumbs up. Sophie smiled with pride as Noland looked taken back.

"Well-" Emery cut off his colleague with a very dignified approach.

"Would you two quit it?" He took a deep breath. "Miss Foster, we know you can fight and do not believe that you are a liability. We just believe it would be best if you had your full capabilities at hand. I request that you go visit Mr. Dizznee to take care of that"

"Alright, is that all?"

"Yes it is. Meeting adjourned." As Sophie was walking out of the building, Oralie ran with her skirt bunched in her hand to catch up to her.

"Sophie! I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. You're not the same shy twelve year old girl who dropped Bronte on his butt. You've grown into a strong young woman." The blonde councilor looked close to tears.

"Thank you." Sophie smiled at her until Oralie's face turned sour.

"Oh god, he's going to kill me." She whispered to herself. She noticed Sophie's puzzled face and started talking again. "I want to tell you the truth. You deserve to know, and I can't keep this secret." She dropped her voice and her head. "Please don't hate me."

"Why would I hate you? This doesn't make any sense, no secret you have could possible make me hate you." Whatever Oralie had to say, it had to be big. Sophie couldn't think of a single thing that would make her hate the sweet councilor. She was probably the most lovable person in the world and Sophie's favorite current councilor.

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