Chapter Fifty-Four

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It was torture. Every second lasted an eternity. Not even those weird dreams of the little girl and boys could save her. All that existed was pain. She wanted it to be over, wanted it to stop. Why wouldn't it stop? Most pain only lasted for what seemed like minutes, this lasted days, months, years. It wouldn't stop, couldn't stop.

Then it did.

Bright light flooded Sophie's vision as her eyes gradually opened. The first thing she noticed was three heads looming over her.


Mr. Forkle.

And a person wearing an adler, probably Ruy. But when he spoke, his voice was too gentle to possibly be the Neverseen's psionipath.

"Are you okay?" He asked and stuck his hand out, helping her up.

"Y-Y-Yes." She stuttered. Edaline wrapped her in a hug and started squeezing her to death.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant for it to hurt you. If I even knew it was supposed to be for you, I never would I have made it." 

Confusion flooded through Sophie like a river. He actually cared and didn't want to hurt her? Why?

She didn't realize she said the last part aloud until he shook his head.

"Not everyone here is heartless. Some of us care. Some of us don't want to hurt people. And I, I don't want to hurt you. Or any of the Black Swan."

He turned around and walked towards the door before stopping and looking back at her with his blurred face.

"Remember, Moonlark. Remember your place in this world." He locked the cell door and walked away.

A thud broke the silence. Sophie turned away from the dark corridor the mysterious figure disappeared down to see Mr. Forkle passed out on the ground. She rushed to him and knelt down. He's just sleeping. She sighed with relief and backed up to the wall to sit next to her mom.

"I missed you so much." Edaline whispered. That's when Sophie realized that her mom hadn't actually seen her in months.

"I missed you too." She leaned her head on her shoulder after the words came out in a hushed tone. "Do you... do you know why he didn't want to hurt me?"

"I don't have a clue." Her soft, reassuring smile warmed Sophie with confidence that everything would be okay, even if she didn't have the answer to her question. "Maybe he realized it was wrong to harm a child?"

"Mom," the blonde sighed in a joking manner, "you can harsh call me a kid anymore. I'm, what? 18? 19?"

"You'll still always be that awestruck twelve year old girl to me."


It was hours before Mr. Forkle woke up. And as soon as he did, he probably wished he was still asleep.

"Why'd you faint? Why was that guy nice? How are we gonna escape? Can we use that guy to help us escape?" Despite the bombardment of questions, his face remained calm as he waited for her to finish. Which took a bit. Edaline elbowed her and she shut up.

"Okay. I don't have all the answers for you, but I do have some of them. And I can't tell you any." As one would assume, that stirred up quite the storm in Sophie's mind.

"Miss Foster, I know you want to have answers, believe me, I do. But we need to focus more on escaping than whether or not the truth is ready to be out yet."

"The truth? So you've been lying to me." Sophie let out a frustrated scream and tore her hands through her hair. "What? Is the Black Swan actually bad and the Neverseen are good? Do you even care about me or is that a lie, too?"

"Of course I care about you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are my greatest achievement. And I promise, any secrets I've kept are for your safety and everyone else's."

"Oh, so now the secrets are dangerous?" A part of Sophie felt bad for being mad at him. He was trying his hardest to make her feel how she wanted, normal, and make sure she knew as much as she could about herself. But it wasn't enough. She wanted to be normal. Have a normal life, be a normal elf. But she'd never have that. 

"It's not the secrets that are dangerous. No words can be dangerous. Only what they can unlock. Miss Foster, I'm trying to keep you safe, that's all I've ever done. Now, can we please not focus on this and instead try and figure out an escape. We can both transmit, Mrs. Ruewen can conjure something. We can find a way out."

"Fine. I'll transmit to Fitz." Sophie closed her eyes and opened her mind.


You there?


Sophie! You're okay!!! She sighed with relief as his accented voice filled her mind. Do you know where you are? Are Forkle and Edaline with you?

Yes and no. Do you have any leads on where we could be?

Keefe hailed his mom. Sophie froze with anger.

He what?!?!?!

Okay wait, before you get too mad, he didn't give up anything. She had the image on, we were able to see the background. We're figuring out where it is now.

Sophie sighed, obviously disappointed that they didn't have a way out but she couldn't show it.

Wait! I have an idea! She told Fitz excitedly.

What is it?

Okay, this might or might not work, but... Edaline and Mr. Forkle are in here with me. So what if you guys get out a tracker of some sort and transmit a picture of it to me. I can transmit that picture to Edaline and she can conjure it here.

That's... actually not a bad idea. I'll get Dex to get us a tracker, we'll see if it works. He severed the connection as she turned to her mom and Mr. Forkle, recapping the conversation. They both agreed that it was a great plan, if it worked, and waited for Fitz to transmit back.

A/N: okay this is a tiny bit late but that's fine. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story, vote and comment if you liked it! Also... I have a goal. Can you guys try and get it to 500 votes by valentines? Yes? Maybe? No? Absolutely not? Okay, just ignore my craziness. Stay happy, stay healthy, eat lots of candy, bye!


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