Chapter Twenty-one

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"Come on Soph! Just dress up a little, it's a Halloween party after all!"

"I'm not dressing up as slutty Chase from Paw Patrol!" (A/N: literally all costumes adults and older teens wear 🤣) Sophie yelled as Bella tried to throw a costume at her.

"First off, it's not Chase, it's Rubble, and second, Tony will think you look hot!"

"It's not even a costume party, you said in the invites to not wear costumes!"

Bella sighed in defeat. "Fine, but at least dress up for a party. I'm not letting you go to your first college party in a sweater. You know I'm not an advocate for all that girly stuff, but there's certain occasions where you have to bust it out. This is one of those times."

"Fine, you know what, just call Teresa and May over, we can get ready together and Teresa can even pick out my outfit. How does that sound?" Sophie remarked sarcastically.

"Great! I'll call them over!"

"No, wait!" Sophie chased her to the bathroom where the door got slammed in her face. "I brought that on myself, didn't I?" She asked herself.

She waited by the door looking through the peephole (No, she does not have anything better to do, thank you very much) and as soon as Teresa and May appeared in front, she opened the door.

"You were waiting for us again, weren't you?" May asked with a bored face as Teresa jumped.

"Yep, come in." The two girls sat down on the couch while Sophie went to the bathroom to get Bella. The two girls had a deluxe dorm, meaning they got their own bathroom. Bella timidly came out and ran over to May and Teresa, jumping behind them and fearing for her life. Teresa made a cute angry face and put up her fists like she was going to fight Sophie off.

"Okay, outfits first!" May clapped her hands then pulled out two outfits from her bag that Sophie hadn't realized she brought. "These are Teresa and my outfits, now we just need yours and Bella's. Alright, Bella, tie her down, Teresa, come with me to the closets."

Sophie kicked and screamed as Bella tied her to the kitchen chair, getting flashbacks from the confession circle a few days ago.

Teresa and May came out a few minutes later with two dresses.

"Okay, we've got dresses that we think will look great on you two!" Teresa squealed and threw them at their faces. "What are you waiting for, try them on!" Sophie sighed as Bella untied her, but still went to the bathroom with the dress.

It was short, about five inches above her knee and very tight. It was off the shoulder, the neckline completely straight and the sleeves were long, going to her knuckles. Sophie actually loved it, the black material was very comfortable, which was surprising since it was so tight. Even though Sophie wasn't into fashion, the dress looked very good on her and she knew just the shoes to wear with it. Mid thigh black heels that bunched a little and we're very comfortable.

She walked back out barefoot and did a little twirl for her friends, who applauded. She took a bow and sat down next to them, waiting for Bella to come out.

A few minutes later, she stepped out looking absolutely gorgeous. She was wearing a royal blue dress that ended a little lower than Sophie's, with a skirt that flowed out and thick straps on her shoulder. When she twirled, Sophie could see it zipped at the back and showed a bit of skin on her lower back. The dress also showed off her tanned skin and toned muscles. If Sophie were into girls, she knew she would be such a mess because of how hot Bella looked. (A/N: lol anyone else think their friends are hot sometimes? No? Just me? Anyways...)

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