Chapter Seven

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Sophie felt a million feelings rush through her. Happiness, euphoria, and most of all, guilt. What about Keefe? She had told him in the letter she loved him. So, would she be betraying him by saying yes? Or would she be giving up something great by saying no?

"I-I ummm." Sophie trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to answer right now if you don't want to. I just, I had to put it out there. I met you yesterday by knocking you to the ground, but I really like you, more than any other girl I've gone out with. I can talk to you, laugh with you, be myself around you, and especially cry with you. I don't care how long it takes, or if you're not ready yet, just, please don't walk away."

"I couldn't walk away. I really like you, too. But, I have to say no."

"Oh um, why?"

"I'm sorry but I just met you. And it's not that I don't like you, you're really nice and funny, but I can't date someone I just met."

"You do realize we just went on a date, right?" He asked jokingly.

"Well yeah, but I'm not ready to date date yet. Like the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing. Can we please still be friends? I really like being with you." Sophie knew she would probably never see Keefe again, but she couldn't say yes without giving her and Keefe and chance to be happy.

"So, what do we do now?" Sophie whispered.

"We could... go out to dinner. Not as a date, just for fun, as friends. There's a great pizza place nearby." He suggested.

"That sounds great. Race you down." She started running down the stairs. If she still had her abilities or skills, she could've jumped down and beaten him that way. But no, Vespera just had to take her abilities away. So she had to do it the hard, and fair, way and run down the stairs. 

She probably broke whatever record there is, as she made it down there in three minutes. Ugh, stupid stairs. She leaned against a tree, waiting for Kyle to get down. And turns out she had to wait quite a while, it was nearly half an hour later that he made it down.

"Jeez, what took you so long?" She asked him jokingly.

"Sorry... not... everyone... is as... perfect... as you." He panted.

"Aww, real cute." She laid the sarcasm on thick. "Let's go now!" She dragged him along without giving him a chance to catch his breath. 

After they got off the ferry, Sophie hailed a cab since Kyle was still panting. Kyle told the driver the location a diner where they both walked in.

It looked like it belonged in the eighties with the light blue booths and black and white checkered floors. They went to sit down at one of the booths and waited for a waiter to come.

"So... we're not awkward, right?" Kyle asked.

"Of course not. You're a really sweet guy, I would never want to be awkward with you."

"Oh please, you're always awkward."

"Am not!"

"Right, whatever you say." He side-eyed her.

"Ugh you're impossible. I swear you're just another Kee-" Sophie but herself off before she could finish his name.

"Kee?" Kyle asked.

"Keefe. He was a friend of mine, moved really far away." She replied.

"Oh. Do you miss him?"

"Yeah, I miss all of them." Sophie sighed sadly. Then she realized. "Oh shoot, sorry, I just made things really sad and weird."

"Told you that you were awkward. But actually, it's fine. I want to hear more about your past."

"Oh god, ok I guess." She told him everything she told Charlie, plus some other details like Lady Galvin's great cape destruction, her allergic reaction-though she told him that what caused it was unknown- her experiences with her friends, while keeping out everything that could make him think she's not human.

"I can't believe you had to wear capes at your old school!"

"I know! That's what I thought but my cousin was all like 'oh it's normal.' It very much is not normal!" They both laughed, causing eyes to drift to their table. Soon their waiter came back with their drinks and took their orders. They decided to share a pizza, half pineapple for Sophie and half pepperoni with no cheese for Kyle. Obviously Sophie has the superior taste.

Kyle told Sophie about how he grew up in Montana and decided to be a chef when he was four, while helping his mom make his sister a birthday cake. He started making dinners by himself when he was eight, allowed to use any appliances by himself. He met Liam on Instagram when he was fourteen, and they became online friends. Kyle was already a year through NYU when Liam joined, and that's how Kyle, Charlie, Liam, and Tony became friends. Then Charlie met Henry in Liberal Arts, bringing him and Ian into the group. They go out and play basketball a lot, Tony and Kyle against the rest since they're so much better, which is where Kyle started bragging in his story, saying how if he wasn't dead set on being a chef he could be the next LeBron James, which caused a major eye roll from Sophie. 

He also talked a lot about his obsession with Gordon Ramsay. He was his influence, his idol. Kyle basically wanted to be a living clone of Gordon Ramsay. He's the whole reason that he decided to be a chef.

"Wow, you love him so much you should just marry him. Go on, pop the question already." Sophie smirked.

"Oh I most definitely would, he's the one person I'd dump anyone I'd date for, no matter who they are." He laughed. They finished eating then split the check after much 'friendly' arguing about it. As they were walking back to Sophie's hotel, Kyle's phone started ringing.

"Hey dude, where are you?" She heard Liam's voice through the speaker.

"With Sophie, what's up?"

"We're having a 'manly sleepover' at my dorm, wanna come? You can bring Sophie too I guess, she's pretty manly."

"I don't know whether I should take that as an insult or compliment." Sophie joked. "Also by manly, you mean you're giving each other makeovers and gossiping about all the cute girls? If so, I'm out, I'm too manly for that apparently." She heard oohs and a "sick burn!" From the other side of the phone, and it looked like Kyle was trying hard not to laugh.

"Nah, don't worry 'Fifi,' we're gonna watch the baseball game. You in?"

"Fine, why not." She acted like she wasn't that happy, even though she had nothing else to do.

"Okay, we'll stop by Sophie's room to get some stuff then be over, ok?" Kyle said over the phone then hung up. They go to her room and packed up some clothes and her girly necessities then left.

They stepped in front of the door, but Sophie quickly stopped Kyle.

"I want to prank them."

"Okay I'm all in. How?"

"Let's tell them we're dating, but when we reveal it's a prank we don't have to tell them about how you actually asked me."

"That's actually genius. Let's do it."

They knocked on Liam and Tony's door, which swung open quickly and they were yanked inside.

"Yo dude, what were you two doing alone?" Henry asked.

"Well," Kyle started then smirked and winked (very exaggeratedly) at her. "She's my girlfriend."

  A/N: You're welcome!!! I know how much you guys hate Kyle, so Sophie said no! Also, by popular demand (of one person) the next chapter will be a Keefe POV! We'll get to see what life is currently like in the Lost Cities and how Keefe is doing without the love of his life. Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter! If this story gets to fifty votes by this Friday, I'll write another different POV chapter of your choosing! Remember, please comment, I like to see what you guys think and if there's anything I could do to make the story better! Bye!

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