Chapter Fourteen

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School started and everything was great. Especially the first day, when all the boys (except for Tony) had to dress up as chefs and stand up in class to ''make pasta.' Pretty soon, a week flew by. Sophie was excelling all of her classes thanks to her elf mind, and all of her friends were getting along perfectly, with classes and each other.

Pretty soon it was the weekend and the girls had all found one thing in common. Volleyball. There was this awesome sand court on campus that they decided they would check out. It even had a drink and snack bar!

So when the weekend rolled around, all the girls were giddy to get to play volleyball. They all threw in matching shorts and a tank top, black with white edges, and regular tennis shoes.

 They all threw in matching shorts and a tank top, black with white edges, and regular tennis shoes

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They raced to the courts and quickly got an empty one. Bella and Sophie stood on one side, Teresa and May on the other.

"Roommates vs roommates?" Bella's asked and they agreed. "Let's play." She ran to the serving line, stepped, jumped, and hit the ball with a powerful overhand swing. Teresa dove down to get it, successfully passing it to May who set it up for Teresa to attempt a kill. Sophie jumped up and blocked it, sending it back to May who passed it to Teresa. They did a pass, set, hit, but Bella got to it and passed it to Sophie who set it perfectly and Bella got a kill on them.

They continued playing 2v2 until Bella and Sophie reached 25 and Teresa and May were at 22.

As they were about to start another set, a voice said. "Wow, look at them having fun without us." Sophie turned around and saw all six of the boys. "Mind if we join?" Kyle asked.

"Not at all." Teresa replied. Tony, Kyle, and Charlie joined Sophie's team while Henry, Ian, and Liam went to the other team.

They played for an hour, Sophie's team winning, until they decided to go girls vs boys and see how that went. And even though they had two less players, they beat the boys by a landslide.

"As much fun as this is, how about we go get some ice cream?" Tong was obviously trying not to be a sore loser, but Sophie could see right through it.

"Always about food with you, isn't it?" Sophie asked while elbowing him.

"What's wrong with that, food is delicious!" He replied defensively.

"I'm pretty sure everyone can agree with that." Henry butted in between them.m, but something was off. Sophie took a second to think about it then realized... Henry was jealous.

Even bigger revelation: Henry had a crush on her. 

Sophie felt really awkward for the walk to the ice cream parlor, while Henry acted like they were attached at the hip. When they got there, Sophie couldn't even describe how glad she was when Henry, Tony, Bella, and Liam volunteered to save them a table while the rest went to get ice cream.

Sophie got lemon, Bella got chocolate, Teresa got cherry, May got swirl, Tong got cookies and cream, Liam got rocky road, Kyle got strawberry, Charlie got a malt (he's weird like that), Ian got swirl like his girlfriend, then Henry got lemon... yeah, the same as Sophie's. They all sat down while eating their ice cream and talked about classes.

They all were taking the same world language, so they all had that class together, then they were lucky if they had classes with anyone else. After an hour of just sitting there and talking, Sophie got a call from a girl in her psychology class named Yasmine. They made plans to study, so Sophie left to go to Yasmine's apartment, separating from the group.

A/N: Hope you guys liked the chapter! And make sure to remember Yasmine, she's kinda important later. But then again not rly so idk. But anyways, please vote and comment what you thought, bye!

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