Chapter Ten

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Ian, the face under the hood was Ian. Sophie had scrambled back when she saw him reaching down and was breathing heavily from flashbacks. All the other boys were bolting up after Sophie screamed, and she saw Henry by the light switch.

"Whahaffened?" Charlie asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Sophie still couldn't respond as the flashbacks bombarded her. It had never been that bad before, what changed? Sophie looked down to the ability restrictor. It was like fear was radiating off of it.

"I dunno. I was going to use the bathroom then Sophie screamed so I was reaching down to see if she was okay then the light turned on." Ian explained.

"Why'd you scream?" Liam asked her as everyone moved to sit closer and hear what happened.

"Sorry, I just um... I have a bad past and thought that Ian was... someone I knew." Sophie tried to be as vague as possible, but she still started getting flashbacks from the bracelet. Stupid Vespera.

Charlie wrapped his arms around her and Sophie leaned into the hug. Charlie was pretty muscular so it was hard for Sophie to try and wrap her arms around him. She stayed like that for a minute before leaning back.

"Sorry for waking you guys up." She said sheepishly.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Tony told her. "Plus, it's five in the morning, and we were planning on playing basketball today. We could just go now and get the court before anyone else shows up." The rest of the boys agreed and Sophie asked if she could join.

"Kyle told me that he often plays against the rest of you with just Tony on his team and wins. So I want to make a bet. Me and Tony on the same team, against the rest of you." Kyle quickly agreed and Sophie went into the bathroom and got dressed, glad she decided to bring athletic clothes and a jacket. She tied her hair back in a pony tail and threw on her white tennis shoes then came out.

 She tied her hair back in a pony tail and threw on her white tennis shoes then came out

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