Chapter Forty-One

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Sophie had never been one for baking. It was a tedious process that she was way too impatient for. But it was also a great coping mechanism. She remembered waking up early in the morning as a child and baking. Cupcakes, muffins, chocolates, pies, and not just sweets. She would even cook chickens, quiches, casseroles, and many other things. She was a guilty baker, nervous baker, if she was feeling any over-the-top emotions, she went into the kitchen.

It wasn't something many people knew about it. In fact, Sophie liked to keep it a secret. And ever since she came to the Lost Cities, her options practically quadrupled. Stark flower stew was a favorite of hers, though it might've been because of Calla. Ever since she transformed into a Panakes, Sophie had made over three thousand bowls. Edaline counted.

This was no exception. Whether she was guilty, nervous, or just in need of a distraction, pancakes was definitely the way to go. And after making thirty, she ran out of ingredients. And with no ingredients, all the negative feelings came back. 

So, she started stress eating. Naturally. But she'd only gotten through two before her friends started waking up. 

Keefe took a big whiff of the air. "What's that heavenly smell?"

"Pancakes." Sophie said with her mouth full.

"Panakes? Like the tree?" Fitz asked, sounded disgusted.

Sophie swallowed before speaking. "No, pan-CAKES. With a C. It's a human breakfast food. You should try some." She pulled out some plates and handed one to each of her friends before placing a pancake on it and drowning it in syrup and whipped cream. Each of them tentatively took a bite, except for Keefe who immediately stuffed the entire thing in his mouth. All of their eyes glowed.

"You made these?" Biana asked.

"Yep. Foster original recipe."

"I didn't know you were such a great cook." Wylie told her in awe. They stuffed their mouths until they were full. 

"That's because I don't tell people. Just a sec, I have to take this." Sophie picked up her phone as it started ringing. Bella's name appeared on the screen.

"Hey, how was the game?"

"Seriously?! The game?! 'How was the game?!' How do you think it feels to be coming back to our dorms in a cab when Kyle goes onto his news app and see more murders?! And you decided to open with 'hey, how was the game?!'" Bella took a deep breath before talking again. "Are you okay? We were calling the others but they wouldn't answer, you're the only one that had so far."

"I'll explain everything when you guys get back, okay? Meet me at my dorm, there's some people I'd like you to meet."

"Okay, we'll be there in fifteen. And the others say hi."

"They can say hi to me in person. See you in a little bit."

"Bye." Sophie hung up the phone and turned to see her friends staring at her. Keefe spoke first.

"What was the angry voice coming out of the little box?" 

"Bella, my roomie. And the little box is a phone. It's the human's version of an imparter."

"Why was your 'roomie' so angry?" Fitz asked.

"Because the murders already got put in the news. She was worried."

"Murders?" All of them seemed to ask at the same time except for Linh.

"I'll tell you guys about it later, when my friends get here. I can't talk about it more than once." Tears started to cloud her vision and she quickly blinked them away. Either Keefe could see that or he just felt her emotions, but he came up and gave her a hug. Sophie sunk into it, grateful he was there for her. Then she remembered. The note. Shoot, she told him she loved him! What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he was comforting her out of pity?

Or... what if he felt the same way? What if he was comforting her because he loved her? Whatever the case, the rest of her friends soon turned it into a group hug. Even Maruca.

Sophie didn't know how long they stayed like that but it had to be more than fifteen minutes. Imagine her four friends' surprise to see in her the middle of a massive group hug with, what, eight people they didn't know?

"Are we interrupting something?" Liam asked as he slowly backed out the door. "And did you cut your hair?" Sophie had forgotten that she evened it out to a messy pixie cut, kinda like Keefe's hair, before the elves woke up.

"Nope, yep, and you aren't leaving, Bugbuster. Sit down."

"Who names their kid Bugbuster?" She could hear Biana whispering to Linh.

"It's not his actual name. Guys, these are the friends I've been staying with. Bella, my roommate, Liam, Teresa, and Kyle. You four, these are my old friends, Dex, Keefe, Biana, Fitz, Linh, Wylie, Marella, and Maruca."

"Those are weird names." Kyle commented.

"You wanna talk about weird names, Barbara?" Reese teased. Sophie quickly sat down across from her.

"No way, that's what it is?" 


"Omg no way!" Bella exclaimed.

"Kyle Barbara Williams?" Sophie asked. "I can't believe your parents would punish you with such a thing!"

"I knew I shouldn't have told you!" Kyle exclaimed to Teresa.

"Oh please, it's like the law of boyfriends to tell your girlfriend everything. Tony taught us that, remember?" Liam asked. Sophie immediately turned somber. Tony would tell her everything. Tony wouldn't get to tell her anything anymore.

"Hey, are you okay?" Teresa asked, moving over to her side and grabbing her hand.

"I have to tell you guys something. Something bad happened while you were gone." Yet again, cool tears rolled down her face.

"Does it have to do with what was on the news?" Kyle asked.

"Yes. The, the murderers were Henry and Ian. They killed everyone except for Charlie and me."

A/N: everyone is reunited, yay!!!! Also, I have no idea how to write pancakes sizzling so if you guys know please tell me. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, comment and vote if you liked it. Bye!


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