Chapter 2 more uninvited guests

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together they carried Virgil back to the house once they got him to the infirmary Scott went to find his family leaving the doctor and Amy alone "I still don't know who they are" questions Amy "Amy they are the Tracy family Jeff Tracy owns his own multinational organisation and he became a billionaire so he bought his own island to protect his sons from the outside world Scott,John,Virgil,Gordon and Alan then once they settled they built international rescue and helped the world ever since Jeff wife died in a skiing accident" answered the doctor the second he finished talking Scott came back with the rest of his family " so u are the doctor and Amy " said Jeff as he came though the door " yes we are" said the doctor " how did you get on this island doctor " he asked
"I was just passing by and our ship got stuck in the mud"
" you mean that blue box" asked Scott "yep that one " answered the doctor " how long do you think until you can get it out " asked Jeff "a few days most " replied the doctor " ok then you can stay until then" said Jeff
"Thank you "replied the doctor just then Virgil woke "hey Virgil" said Scott " hey Scott I had this weird dream that these people with really weird outfits turned up on the island with a box " replied a very tired Virgil
"That wasn't a dream " said Alan and Gordon " oh great" replied Virgil John leaned over Virgil and whispered "they are in this room too" and Virgil eyes widened "hello " said weakly to the doctor and Amy just as Amy was about to reply sirens start going off "intruder alert ,intruder alert" Jeff and the boys ran to Jeff's office with the doctor and Amy behind them on Jeff's computer screen came an image of sliver men walking off a submarine that had surfaced and on top of the machine stood a bald man who looked like he was in a shake speare play "who's the bald freak" asked Amy "it's the hood" growls John "what are those metal thinks with him" asked alan "cyber man" said the doctor "bring me the doctor and the pilot of thunderbird one" shouts the hood on the screen " WHAT" shouts everyone in the room
"You need to hide" Jeff said and starts push them both to the door "why" says Scott "we don't want to lose another Tracy" exclaim Jeff "hide in the silos" and Scott runs off showing the way to the doctor but unknown to them Virgil follows silently

Thunder whoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora