Chapter 12

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Rory and four ran though Tracy house until they came to a room where shouting was coming from "AMY" Rory shouts " Am in here Jeff's with me hurry they have got there machine out they are getting ready to upgrade" Amy shouts back " how do we get though this door" asked Rory as he looks for a way in "allow me" says four as he goes towards the door " stand back" says four as he lifts his hands Rory moved behind confused on how four would get though the door four used his telekinesis to rip the door off its hinge and though it at the Cybermen inside and walks inside with his hands on fire the Cybermen lift the arms and started to shoot but four just through fire then crushed them with his telekinesis. " how did you do that" asked Rory as he came in " it's what garde have to help them protect others but we do not all have the same legacies" explains four as he helps Jeff and Amy out of there bonds once they were free they went to the main control to see everyone there "what happened" Rory asked as they saw their sad expressions "we got a call from river and Scott" says Alan as he walks over to give Jeff a hug " how is Scott" asked Jeff as he hugged Alan " river said he is badly injured that he is being tortured" whisper Gordon Jeff looked shell shocked "we must get to them immediately" said Jeff and the doctor suddenly came back to reality and he looked as if he had just got a new toy " I have a plan" says the doctor " please tell" replies Jeff " no time" says the doctor he went over to Luke" can you find the submarine" asked the doctor " of course" replies Luke as he starts to type "found it, it's off the coast of Australia" says Luke pointing to the screen " good right four, nine when we get there can you lift it out and dump it on the beach with your telekinesis" asked the doctor " sure we will give it a go" replies four before nine could open his mouth " right well if the Tracy borthers would do the honours" said the doctor looking on with a smile the Tracy brothers smiled at each other"thunderbirds are go" they say with a smile

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