Chapter 26

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John and the others were sat there watching the feedback off the cameras when they heard the sound off the door being broken down and lots of pounding feet john looked at the others and they prepared to fight the Cybermen when they just stopped dead in the middle of the room Percy and four looked at each other and shrugged nine looked disappointed and john just looked relieved "what happened" asked Percy then as if the was heard by the gods there radio flickered into to life " we were able to hack into the computer and shut down all the Cybermen in that room but we are not close enough to do it to the whole build so you will have to do it" said the radio it was Luke " how on earth did you do that your like 18" asked four " he has the mind of thousands of people so he is very clever" answered Sarah Jane " yea that explains it " says nine looking confused they all decided to go back to the videofeed only to find that the hood was a cyborg they watch the feed in horror as he started cutting bits of his own flesh off and replaces it will metal" that's gross why can't he do it private" says nine as he turns a way on disgust while they watched the feed four starts to looks around the room until he came back to the Cybermen " hey what is under here" he muttered mostly to himself he pulled the chest plate off the Cybermen and he starts to pull bits off machine out of the chest until Percy walks over and sees something " what's this do" he asked as he pulled on the emotional inhibitor suddenly they Cybermen started moving " Percy what did you do" asked john as he comes over all of a suddenly the Cybermen start to shake and without warning it's head blow up " how did you do that" asked nine as he also got bored of the feed " Percy messed with the little box in its chest " that must be what controls it" says john as he starts to pace around four went over to the radio and asks Sarah what the machine was and he found out it was the emotion inhibitor " you most which it off to stop the Cybermen" she says " they should be a code for it look around it should be in that room" John walks over to four and says " right I think it is time we start looking for that code" and all four off them split up to find the code.

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