Chapter 21

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" conversion will commence in 3,2,1" just as the words started to come out of the speaker the door suddenly burst open Clyde and Rani jumped out and Alan and Gordon dragged Scott out the second they got though the door the room activated and they quickly slammed the door shut. While everyone has taking a breather Virgil and Rory checked Scott over " he should be fine he has a fractured leg , a broken arm there are slash wounds all over his body their is a big one on his stomach we need to get him back to tracy island for medical attention I am going with him does any one else want to come" said Rory " I will go with him" said Virgil as he looked at his older brother " I am going to join you" said Rani " ok look after him" said John and they split up the big group just got to the doors and we're just about to go in when they heard thunderbird 1 take off "let's hope they get him back there in time" muttered Alan

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