Chapter 27

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The doctor was staring at the hood in shock "what have you done" he asked while the others were to busy taking care of the Cybermen " I have improved myself made myself stronger and smarter" he said smiling evilly " my children capture them it's time they became one of us" he says looking at the group Gordon was using a pole to knock Cyberman away, Alan was trying to hack into a computer, and jack was defending him using his gun and using a dust bin lid as a shield but every now then got shot but not fatally. While the doctor was trying to get to the hood but there were to many eventually the group were over Whelmed by the Cybermen and were taken to the conversion chambered " put the youngest in first" said the hood and the Cybermen started to drag him forward the others started to struggle just before they pushed him in the Cybermen stopped died and stopped moving completely Alan broke free and ran to the others suddenly the computer near then cracked into life " hey look there they are" says the mysterious voice that came though the speaks .

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