Chapter 11

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The doctor and the group were looking at the ruins "no" whispers Virgil as he looked as his home completely destroyed suddenly the doctor ran back into the Tardis "I thought we were going to stop this but now our home is destroyed" says John as he walks in behind the doctor and the group follows Virgil looked like he was on the verge of crying but tried to stay strong meanwhile the Doctor was looking at the screen" it's the wrong year that's it the wrong year we are about 100 years in the future and with that he hit a control and the place started shaking "let's try again" says the doctor and ones the place stopped shaking he checked the control" right year lets see if it's the right place" with that he ran outside John and Virgil followed once they got outside the door they saw the Cybermen were about to kill there young brothers " Gordon Alan"shouted Virgil and he and John ran over the Cybermen turned and saw them "you will be deleted" and they started shooting while the Cybermen were focused on them jack and Rory snuck behind and grabbed Gordon and Alan and ran towards the house "what happened" Rory asked when they got them in " after the doctor and our brothers left the Cybermen swarmed the island they have not found the silos but they separated us from dad and Amy they said something about upgrading them" replied Gordon "what which way did they go" Rory said urgently and Alan pointed to the stair "AMY" shouted Rory as he went to find them four came flying in and ran after Rory to help a few minutes later the rest come in" where's four" says nine as he looks around " he went after Rory" replies jack Luke ran over to the computer and got into to the camera and watched what happened the others came over to have A look when suddenly Alan watch started going off "hello" Alan said when he pressed answer " is the doctor there" the voice called out " yea he is here" Alan replies " doctor it's for you" Alan shouts the doctor came over " hello " says the doctor" hello sweetie" the voice answers " river what are you doing" asked the doctor " I am here with Scott he is badly injured" replies river " WHAT" shouted every Tracy brother near by and they ran over " what happen" asked John " I don't know but it looks like they were torturing him" said river as she looks at Scott "why" says Gordon "for info on the thunderbirds and there ships and by the looks of it he has not spoken a word" says river "but you better hurry I don't know how long he will last " she says" no Scott" whispers the brothers and nearly all had tears in there " we are going to get Jeff and Amy then we are coming your way " replies the doctor he sounded very angry" ok but hurry" and with that the line went dead

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