Chapter 19

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When Alan and Gordon saw Scott they ran ahead of everybody else and knelt down next to Scott to check his injures while Rani and Clyde tried to get the chains off him. Once they got the chains off him they lay him on the ground Gordon checked his pulse but couldn't find one " no Scott" shouted Gordon as he started to do CPR after a few minutes Gordon was starting to get tired when suddenly Scott take in a sudden breath as started breathing again Scott opened his eyes and looked at the others Alan knelt down and gave Scott a hug " welcome back to the land of the living" said Alan as he pulled away from Scott" what happen" asked Scott weakly " you were kidnapped and we are in the process of getting you out" replied Clyde just as he finished speaking Scott's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell back to the ground " Scott" shouted Alan and Gordon while they helped Scott Clyde tries the door and realised that it's looked the room suddenly lit up red " conversion will commence in 5 minutes" and rani ran to the door to help force it open but it will not budge "we need to let the others know because we are in big trouble" said Rani as she looked and Alan and Gordon while they look after Scott

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