Chapter 10

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Meanwhile Scott had awoke to find himself strapped to a table "what's going on" he says as he struggles against the bonds "we need the secret of the thunderbirds" said the cyber leader "I will never tell you" replies Scott and the Cyber leader stood next to him and said" then you will witness the upper limits of the human capacity for pain" and the cyber leader electrocutes Scott his screams echoed along the submarine but unknown to the Cybermen Scott's rescue was already underway when a women with big puffy blond hair with a gun is tiptoeing along the submarine after 1 hour the Cybermen drag a barely conscious Scott back to his cell and throw him in. River was already in the cell waiting but invisible once the sound metal feet had gone river started to give Scott first aid "are you ok" says river as she looks Scott over "am fine" says Scott as he tried to sit up but failed "ha as if say that do u know the doctor" asked river "yea he came to my families island" says Scott fighting to stay conscious " then he will be here soon to save you I will keep you company until then now sleep" says river as she stroked his hair and slowly Scott went to sleep with all his injured dealt with.

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