Chapter 20

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The doctor and his group were climbing along the vents until they heard some sirens going off "conversion will commence in 5 minutes "they carried on going until four and Percy accidentally went though the vent and fell to the ground they slowly got up cursing about the loose panel, they looked up to see 8 faces hanging over the hole " it looks like you found the way out " said jack as he and the others were trying hard not to laugh. four was about to reply when a shout interrupted " hello,we need help over here" said the voice, everyone in the vent dropped down and went to the door " who's in there" said Rory " who do you think" reply a different voice "Alan" said John "yea it's me ,you need to get us out now" Alan replied " conversion will commence in 3 minutes" said a voice "the doctor is working on the door" shouted four "hurry we don't have a lot of time" replied Gordon " what are you doing in there anyway" asked Virgil as he stood next to the door " we were walking along the corridor when a Cybermen came out of this room saying something about knocking someone unconscious so once it went we came to investigate and found Scott chained to the wall we got him down and was just in time to restart his heart, then Clyde tried to open door and it was locked then this alarm started to go off saying we have 5 minutes before conversion what ever that means" said Rani suddenly the doctor paled "ohh no " he muttered and he started to work faster that got Virgil worried " what's wrong, what does conversion mean" he asked the doctor looked up " it means that in a few minutes they will become Cybermen the machine will take their brain out of there bodies and put it inside a metal exoskeleton removing all emotions" the doctor replied and he quickly went back to work " conversion will commence in 30 seconds" the voice said and Virgil was starting to get worried for his brothers and tried to stay calm" hey Gordon how is Scott" asked Virgil trying to distract himself from the truth " he is pretty beaten up he has a few broken bones, a few slashes but apart from that he is fine and he is unconscious but fine" replied Gordon "have you got the door open yet" asked Rani as she banged on the door "almost there" replied the doctor just As he was almost done the voice called out the one thing none of them wanted to hear " conversion will commence in 3 , 2 , 1"

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