Chapter 30

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While four and the group were running though the submarine the ceiling started to collapse around them four was running behind them when he saw the ceiling about to fall on them so he held it up with his telekinesis but none else notice and carried on running four's arms start to burn from the pressure of the roof until he could hold it no longer and it came crashing down onto him lucky most of it missed I'm by mere millimetres but a large beam fell onto him pining his leg under it. With a loud crack pain shouted up his leg. He gasped in pain and he tried to move his leg but with no success. Suddenly loud boom filled the air and fire came shoring down the corridor covering him lucky he was fire resistance so he had no trouble with the fire. Once it had burnt its self out he was unconscious because he had to use the legacies. When he started to come around he heard the sound of faint shouting " four" " Johnny" he could tell that was nine " I'm over here" he shouted as loudly as he could and he saw nine appear around the corner on the roof " Johnny ,he is over here" he shouted to the others and he back flipped off the roof and landed perfectly on to the floor " show off" muttered four as he watched him just them all the others come round the corner " four how you feeling" said Percy who looked very worried for his friend "fine" four replied that's when nine noticed the beam" what happened" he said " held up the ceiling while you lot got out" four replied " ooh god am sorry" said a not so sorry looking nine. Then nine looked at the beam as thrusted his hand out and slowly the beam moved off of four leg" thanks" said a relieved looking four. Percy and nine went to grab him by both arms as helped him up come on " time to go " said the doctor as he watched this take place and together the group walked out of the submarine to thunderbird 2.

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