Chapter 6 the hood finds out

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Meanwhile in the control room the Tracy family were on the verg of killing the hood but the Cybermen would not let them " everybody just calm down" shouted Amy that shut up everyone in the room the hood turned around to talk to the Cybermen and then Gordon realises that Alan had gone missing " where's Alan" Gordon whispers to John "don't know " he replies just then John looks up to see Virgil and the doctor above him they were pulling the top off the vent " come on but be quiet" whispers Virgil and one by one the Tracy's and Amy climb into the vent they where putting the lid on just as the hood turned around "noooooo" he screams as he sees no Tracy's around "well at least I have the one I want" he mutters walking away "well done Virgil" whispers John as they watch the hood walk away "where's Scott" asked a very worried Jeff as he looks for his eldest son "gone" muttered Virgil " what do you mean gone" asked John as he came up behind them " he was taken by those metal things" whispered Virgil with a tear coming down his face"no" whispered Jeff "lets not hang around come on we can still save him" said the doctor as he went down the vent they went down the vent until they got outside and had a view of the hoods submarine

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