Chapter 8 loose fire

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Once he got there alan looked up to see the others coming to him" they took him in the submarine and now it's gone" he whisper when they finally got there they all heard him and looked ready kill someone then suddenly the Cybermen came around the corner and started shooting the group run into the house to avoid being shot " I know some friends who could help" the doctor shouted over the laser fire " take Virgil and John with to help we can hold it here for a while until you get back" says Jeff
" but dad" says Virgil and John but Jeff was having none of it "no buts just go and get some help" and they nodded "Amy stay here and help as much as you can " says the doctor " you know me" replies Amy as she runs off then the doctor , Virgil and John run to the tardis when they got there Virgil asked" how do we get it out" the doctor was thinking about it when John ran off then mins later he came back with a big black box " no way is that what I think is " the doctor asked like Christmas came early " yea latest modal" and he grabbed the remote and moved the box to the Tardis then it starts to hover " this has antigravity abilities that allows it to carry objects as big as Big Ben as trust me i tried it was fun" said John smiling he manoeuvres the box over the Tardis and presses a button and the Tardis started to pull itself out of the ground once it made it out the Cybermen come round and start shooting at them they quick got in the Tardis with the black box " it's the play station 10 " says John looking at the doctor's childish expression then he looks up and he realises they were not being crushed into each other " it's bigger on the inside" mutters Virgil as he looks around " she's called the Tardis t-a-r-d-I-s stands for time and relative dimension in space" and with that he flicked a switch and he whole place started shaking John and Virgil were holding on for dear life.

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