Chapter 3- Potty Mouth

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Azariah's pov

Do you remember when you were a young teen, maybe twelve to fourteen years old, and it was a thrill to stay up all night long?

As I stand here staring at the clock, which happens to read quarter after five in the morning, I wonder what the hell I ever thought was so thrilling. I'd give just about anything to be in my comfy bed at the moment.

I'm so sleep deprived that I'm not sure the phone call from my father actually just happened. I go between staring at my phone and Amber, who happened to be looking just as confused as I felt.

"Is your dad bringing more people here who need medical attention?" She asks me. I can tell from the completely worn-out look on her face and groggy voice, she was hoping the answer was no.

"Uh, I don't think so. It sounded like there were some kids in his truck." At least I hoped those kids with him didn't need medical attention. The sound of their high-pitched, excited voices didn't indicate they were in pain or under distress. "I need to go find Jace," I tell her.

"He's down in the cafeteria getting something to eat." Amber informs me.

I start walking in that direction, and she follows me. "Are you coming to challenge me to another eating contest?" I snicker at her.

"You know what, screw you. The amount you're able to eat is unnatural. I'm starting to think you're part demon or something." She fires back.

"Seriously?" Micah says from behind us. "You're just coming to that conclusion now?" He drapes an arm over each of our shoulders as he laughs like he's the funniest male ever born.

With his arrival, I'm forced to keep my comments to myself. Ones that included telling Amber she shouldn't challenge me until she's a little further along in her pregnancy to an eating contest. I'll give her credit, she did keep up until the last couple of pieces. Since that was a couple of hours ago, I decided to head straight to the buffet that Noah set up to get myself a small snack while I waited for my father to get here.

No sooner do I enter the cafeteria, and Jace intercepts me on the way to get some food. "Ready to go home, darling?"

I glance over at the table he was sitting at and notice Noah, his grandmother, and Ryan all sitting there. Noah's grandmother was absolutely beaming in our direction, like we were old friends she hadn't seen in ages. Noah himself just looked relieved to have her here safe and sound.

"As much as I'd love that, my father called and said he needed to see us. He should be here any minute." I tell him. He follows me to the buffet and snacks on some finger foods while I fill up my plate. At this point, all I'm running on is coffee and sugar. No big surprise there, though.

"Good thing I slept while you and Micah stitched me up, huh?" The jerk says while looking at my worn-out face. I'm sure my hair matches my overall look right now, too.

"I'm starting to wish I sewed up more than just your boo boo." I grin at him. To pay me back for my threat, he steals a piece roasted chicken off my plate and puts it in his mouth quickly before I snatch it back.

I turn around, planning on going and sitting at Noah's table, but my father's bulky figure fills the doorway. I immediately notice that he looks just as exhausted as I do, but the excitement that was showing in his eyes was completely out of place.

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