Chapter 45- All We Do Is Plan

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                        Amber’s pov

“I don’t understand”

Of course he doesn’t. Explaining stuff that involves computers, programs, or technology is hard when the person you're trying to explain it to has absolutely no knowledge in those regards. But since he’s my mate, I'll try again.

“I’ll explain while you drive.” If we stand beside his truck any longer, we’ll be late to a meeting he set up. Jace was driving himself, so it left Micah and I alone for a few minutes. “When your father let me redo the entire packs census, I put everyone’s contact information, email, and phone number into a program that will send out an alert to everyone. I have some preset messages, or I can manually enter one just before sending it.”

The way he keeps looking over at me indicates he only partly gets it “So, you can alert the entire pack, with the click of a button on your computer?”

“Yes. I sent three messages, all back to back, so that if anyone was busy and didn’t immediately check the first message, they’d keep hearing their phone or whatever device they have beeping.”

“Is there a way to check if they read the message?”

I throw my hands up in annoyance. “Probably, but I was busy getting out of the lab and over to our new home. Ryan called Noah on the way, only to discover he was already here delivering our clothes and bed like he said he’d do.”

We pull up to the office building at the same time Jace does. I quickly get out before Micah can ask anything further. “Hey Jace, can I bother you to do something real quick?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Can you have a few of our guards go around and make sure everyone is accounted for? Micah, the worry wort is concerned that my automated messaging system may not work as well as I think it does.”

“I’m not saying it doesn’t work,” He groans from behind me. 

“Why don’t I have an entire sweep of our pack lands done. The guards in the tree stands would have seen if anyone tried to sneak in, but better safe than sorry.” Jace suggests.

“That would be great. Do we have enough guards to even do that? We have a dozen cleaning up the woods, remember.” Micah asks him.

“I’ll work it out. I’m gonna run over to the security building. I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

“Good thing the one I’m left to run this meeting with is the smart one.” Micah jokes as he unlocks the door for us. “So before the others get here, what do you think about what Azariah and Jace want to do?”

Although we shouldn’t have been listening to what they were talking about behind closed doors, we did. I don’t know why Micah is surprised by how they wanted to handle this. Since the very get-go I’ve leaned towards just going up there and ending it before Malcomb had the chance to do any more damage. Even if we can manage to keep Moonwalker pack safe, the same couldn’t be said for the other packs. And if he somehow manages to take them all out, then that leaves us alone in this war. We’d be surrounded on all sides, fighting Goddess knows how many. 

“I agree with not telling Bloodmoon. Alpha Tony is unpredictable, and Luna Alora might take any deal Malcomb offers her to get Alpha Fenris back. I’m undecided about Snowmoon, but I do think we should include Alpha Finn. He’s been working with Azariah, and I since pretty much the start of this.”

“And do you agree we should do this tonight? Do we make the decision to sacrifice the hostages up there?”

If my calculations are correct, there were roughly fifteen up there. Including one Alpha. An Alpha that needed replacing if you ask me. His decision-making during this ordeal has been shit at best. The Red Dawn pack was the closest to any human town, and technically, our first line of defense to keep threats at bay. Moving forward, I’m not sure we should trust him to do this. I suppose that’s a conversation for another day, though.

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