Chapter 28- Pursuit

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Liam's pov

The sun has long since made its decent, giving up its glorious sky to the moon. Normally, this is my favorite time of day. Except when I'm venturing further and further away from my pack mates and the safety that comes along in such numbers.

The only light peeking through the trees is what the bright moon has to offer, and believe me, it isn't much. Not that I need to be surrounded by light to track my current target. Technically, I could do it with just my snout alone.

Every pack has one person, sometimes more than one, that can track a scent better than everyone else. I'm not sure if I feel lucky that I'm that person, or if possibly I'm unlucky. If my nose wasn't above average, I could be at home right this minute, in the comfort of my plaid pajama bottoms and an old movie that's been on t.v. more times than I can count. I'd bitch that there was nothing to watch, then I'd settle for the movie I could see with my eyes closed.

It certainly sounded better than tracking this worthless piece of shit through the woods at night time. Yes, even my empty appartment was much, much better than this. Between my job at the brewery, and the one the Alpha employed me for, I hardly had enough time to find myself a mate so I didn't have to spend so many fucking nights alone, wallowing in my shitty appartment.

My mother was always pointing out that the only thing full in my life was my bank account. She says I work to much, and need to make time for me. I've basically thrown myself into work, and figured the rest would come when the time was right. She also likes to point out that most wolves are already mated long before now, and that I'm dragging my feet.

At twenty-four years old, how much feet dragging could I have possibly done? It's not like I haven't dated, because I have. It's just that nobody has ever felt like the 'one'. Or maybe the better word is 'smelled' like the one. With a super power like mine, shouldn't the right female call to me with her scent alone?

If I wait to long, my nose will eventually fail me, like every other tracker out there, and then I really will be alone for the rest of my days. Last I heard, nobody was looking for a retired, grey haired, senior, even if he did have a boat load of money.

Now there's an idea! I could buy a boat, and sail off into the sunset. Maybe I'd get myself a pet so I wasn't lonely.

There, now that I had my future path figured out, I could get back to my current problem. Finding this jack ass so I could go home and watch that movie I was dreading.

Alek had long ago given up this pursuit, after dispensing of the first male we found hiding. He then got called back due to a problem with the other team who was out in the woods tonight. That was the point that I tuned everyone else out, so I could focus on the task at hand. Having voices in my head that weren't my own, or my wolf wasn't something I could easily get used to. It felt foreign and awkward to communicate that way. I'm always terrified that I'll 'think' of something inappropriate, and everyone else will know. Kinda like when Azariah bit off that dudes jewel's and we all got a front row seat to it, even thought we weren't there.

Unlike her, I would be mortified.

The male I was currently tracking was doing the zig-zag thing, in hopes that it would throw me off his trail. Little did he know, I can pick up a scent from almost a mile away. There was no need for me to zig-zag along with him, all I needed to do was follow a straight line. I chuckle internally thinking about how exhausted he must be. At this point his step count had to be triple of what mine was.

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