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Calyx watch the thousand of people marching towards the golden light. Where will the ancient dragon xavila will land.

He look up and again and stared at the direction of the famine kingdom. Where darker clouds is starting to gather. His face just got more serious. He didnt like this feeling growing inside him.

He doesnt even know why he is participating in this shit, if it werent for his mom he will be running away to some place and drink all his wealth away. But of course he wont! He sighed repeatedly as is if he lost in a gamble worth all his wealth.

"Calyx.." a soft voice called his name, he turned his head to the owner and made his usual 'good guy' smile. Karen met his pretty face with a blank gaze, if she didnt know him enough she would probably blush under his gaze. Though she admit he really look good.

Shock at her thought, karen looked away and cleared her throat, neither noticed the blush on her face.

"Yeshhh Saintess?" he made a playful sound with his tone. As if the brewing danger has nothing to do with their death.

Karen rolled her eyes. "I am really expecting and hoping you give your all today.." she said in melancholy as she stared at the golden light. She couldnt care less if she die.. but her beloved family is in this kingdom.. this is her home.

Calyx stares at her with his usual smile. But It didnt reach his eyes, "What do u mean?"

Karen faced him, "i know you wouldnt care less even if this kingdom burn to the ground.. but like me you also have someone you ought to protect.. so please , even just for today, help us.."

Calyx now had no smile on his face as he stares at her. Then he look away in silence. As if agreeing with her reluctantly, Karen shows a small smile on her lips as she walk away.


At this moment, not only they are celebrating but also their mortal enemy, the Famine kingdom.

The dark gloomy clouds did not bring them fear but instead expectation and happiness. The golden light from the kingdom can be seen and the king of famine kingdom wore a terrible expression.

"Your majesty! its time.." a priest from below the platform called with excitement.

The terrible expression of the king eased a little, then he said with a curved smile. "Then summon the dragon Horixis!"

The drum started making booming sounds. And several dark robed priest are chanting a spell. Their sweat slowly formed on their forehead, falling down their cheeks.

The clouds started to get darker and their excitement became a lot crazier.


The drums became louder as well as the chanting, from the clouds they heard a loud roar like no other. As if it was meant to destroy their souls.. and it did.

The chanting priest all threw up blood. The drums abruptly stopped.. and there was only silence,..

The king who had fallen in his throne, felt the blood drip from his nose. He raised his foggy vision, only too meet a humongous eye staring at him.

The kings blood grew cold, "all.. hail to the famine dragon.. horixis..."

Horixis stared at the lowly human with one eye, then turned his head to the direction of the golden light. His eyes shone with fierce light, he spread his wings wider. "After all this time.. i finally got to meet you again brother"


The sudden chaotic animals alerted them, the duke look up to the direction of the famine kingdom and seeing the overly dark clouds, his brows almost met together.

They have to last ... gavin must succeed. Several golden robed priest began to chant, contrast to the chanting of the priest in famine kingdom,their chant has an enticing sound to it.

The golden light became brighter and brighter, the people all held their breaths. As the voices of the priests became higher, the brighter the lights.

Horixis is already only a few minutes from them. Even if the distance of both kingdom is far, his flying speed is not to be under estimated. Followed by the army of famine kingdom who can only follow him through teleportation magic.

The Duke swung his sword. "Activate the shield!" then he turned his head to his son. His eyes sharp and cold." Do no disappoint me.."

A huge transparent wall sorrounded the whole kingdom. It may last for even some second before the dragon horixis can broke it.

Those precious second are needed. They could hear the roar of the dragon horixis as the golden light became brighter.

Equaled to horixis shout, Xavila roared in the same exact momentum. As soon he finish roaring, huge golden body of the ancient dragon appeared in everyones eyes.


"Why am i doing this again?" calyx caught the next soldier attacking him him and non chalantly slammed the soldiers head on the ground. "They fight like children for godssake" he almost yawned in boredom.

Both with red eyes, bella and karen glared at the male. Contrast to calyx clean appearance, they are both exhausted.

They havent been to real battle after all, their body could not adapt and use stamina.

The crown prince glanced at calyx too, and his eyes became more firm in achieving such power.

Noticing their gaze, calyx faced their hatred and smiled foolishly. "I apologise for being strong" then he made a pouting face.

if karen was not so tired, she would not hesitate to throw her sandal like how the baroness did to her son.

The lightened atmosphere drastically changed when calyx suddenly became serious, and faster than the wind took exhausted three into his arms and flashes away from the danger.

There was a sound of explosion, and where they recently stood is a huge damage of explosion.

Bella whitened, if calyx had not reacted.. even with their power they would crumble to dust.

There was no longer a smile on calyx face, from the trees, three dark robed figures appeared. The leader looked at calyx with greed. "ah yess.. my prey,"

Calyx raised a brow then there was a very small curve on the corner of his mouth that went unnoticed by the enemy.

Whos really the prey of who?


Gavin faced the dragon, no fear, no delight, but detemination.

It took a moment for Xavila to recognize, isnt this the child of that man he also blessed many years ago?

The duke left his post and faced the dragoon, he bowed. "This is the child i would like your great one to bless..."

Horixis was already here, he is already destroying the barrier the kingdom had taken years to research into dust.

Sweat dripped from the dukes cheeks.

Xavila squinted his eyes, then said "among your siblings i chose you for i know you are the most talented..."

The duke didnt answer, why is the dragon not worried that horixis will break the barrier at any moment?

"Yes.. great one"

Xavila then eyed the duke and said "then why dont you show me your other son.. and let me choose?"

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