Part Ninety

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Sarah was looking at the canal, thinking about the ghosts that haunted her. She'd been thinking a lot about Cain and his newfound son. Looking up she checked her watch as she waited for Tommy, although she knew she was expecting another delivery soon, and right on queue, he arrived via uncle Charlie.

"I caught him stealing a car. And he's got a stack of cash from the betting shop." Charlie told her as he chucked the wad of money onto the table and pushed duke into a seat opposite his auntie.

Sarah sighed at him as she picked up the money and counted it, looking at her long-lost nephew she pointed at him, "Steal from who you want but don't steal from me." She warned as she watched his closed expression, she wanted to reach him and form a relationship. She threw a couple of notes towards him, "Here you are. Get a train to wherever the fuck you want to go. I'm not forcing you to stay."

"I don't ride trains," Duke stated

Sarah rose her eyebrows, "Is that a fact? Well, Curly has a two-wheeled wagon." She told him.

Duke scoffed at her, "What am I, a tinker? I need four wheels. And a horse for the hills."

"Which hills?" Sarah asked curiously

"All of them. All the hills of England," he responded.

She chuckled at him as she began to see her brother in him, "Why do you want to leave?"

"I didn't take to that work in the betting shop."

Sarah nodded to herself, it was a fair reason this life wasn't for everyone. She turned to her uncle,  "Well, you heard him, Charlie. Get Shelby seniors old four-wheeled wagon and two strong ponies."

"Right. Curly! Get here." Charlie said pulling curly along with him and leaving the Crawfords alone.

Turning her attention back to her nephew she thought to herself, "Before you go, do you want to know the truth about yourself?"

"No." He replied with an edge in his voice.

"Well, Who does? Difference is we're both slightly in the dark so I am going to tell yer. According to my husband, that spring at Appleby Fair, your mother stole my brother's watch and chain. You're from a long line of thieves. What others don't know is The watch had the words "Saxon Shore" carved into it. He stole it himself from a drunk when we were kids. I imagine she told you your dad was the Duke of the Saxon Shore. Apparently, when her dad found out, he shot me brother in the chest with a squirrel gun. A scar and a stolen watch and a story she made up. That's all anyone knows about your conception. However, I'm going to tell you a story that no one else knows, not even my husband."

"If no one else knows then why are you going to tell me?"

"Because only myself and your grandparents know, and you need to know about yourself before you get on the road. My mother, your grandmother, had an affair long before myself and my brother were born, she became pregnant by a gypsy man called Aberama Gold, he's dead now, but either way, she had the gypsy man's baby. Cain, your father. Gold went back on the road with his family and my mother had Cain, who was really half gypsy, so even though you feel you don't fit with me, you couldn't be more wrong." She told him truthfully as she watched his expression change into something she couldn't read. "Esme said the spirits favour you. That the spirit is in you."

Duke scoffed, "She tried to sell me like one of those horses, didn't she? How much did she pay for me?"

"Me? Nothing. However with my husband....well, we have no use for gold anymore. But if you're a horse, you're in the right place. Curly! Curly. Hurry up. This boy has hills to climb." Sarah said standing up and shouting to Curly.

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