4 • Old Friends

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I'm a pretty lazy person in general. When I write stories and only a few people read them, I say screw this I'm gonna do something else (rip my bakugou x reader fanfic). So the fact that this story is less than three days old and has almost 100 reads makes makes me happy.

But pls interact cuz it makes me happy- also lmk if you want more kitty pictures hehe

Y/N's POV :

My family is well known amongst vampires, and not necessarily in a good way. When Enid dragged Wednesday and I out to the quad, the vampires, all wearing sunglasses, looked at me. They knew who I was.

"So, Y/N," Enid said, walking past them. I looked around to see if there was anyone who caught my eye, but I knew that no one would live up to Aiden Hunter. "How did you sleep last night? Do vampires sleep?"

I pulled the hood up on my sweater and adjusted my own sunglasses, crossing my arms. "I slept like an angel," I replied sarcastically. Enid didn't seem to notice.

"So, for breakfast at Nevermore, we get our food from the cafeteria and eat here. There are special menus for class, so vamps can get their blood." Enid led us to the cafeteria she was talking about. "Y/N, I actually have a few questions for you."

"Splendid," I muttered.

"Do vampires need to drink blood or is it more of a choice?" I wondered how this girl could be so ignorant, especially for someone who ran a gossip blog. "Actually, I have a better question!" She pulled out a small notebook and pen. I rolled my eyes. "Everyone thinks your family is dangerous. Is that true."


Enid smiled, glad.

"Only I am."

A boy appeared in front of Enid. He kept his distance from Wednesday, standing in a position where I was not visible to him. I listened carefully as he spoke.

"Yo, Enid!" he said. "I got some dirt on your new-new roommate!"

Naturally, I was intrigued.

Enid tried to say something, but he stopped her. I silently appeared behind him. "Wait. She isn't here, right?" Enid stepped aside, probably to show him me, but I wasn't there. She made eye contact with me, and I lifted my finger to my lips. Shh.

"Cool," the boy continued once Enid looked away. "Anyway, I heard she killed everyone at her old school!"

My voice was low, "That's not true. Where are you getting your facts?" He nearly flew. The boy turned to me, his eyes wide.

"Woah! Where did you come from? Oh! Uh, anyway, I dunno. So you didn't kill anyone?"

"I did not say that." I glided past him. Over my shoulder, I added, "You shouldn't gossip. It can be dangerous, you know."

I walked over to a boy who was holding a blood juice box and took it from him then went back to the room and locked myself in my coffin.

Wednesday's POV

Y/N left Enid dumbfounded and speechless. For that, I thank her. The boy who Y/N had stolen the drink from wanted us to pay for it, so I left. My parents were going to call soon anyway to check in.

In the dorm room the three of us shared, I sat at my desk and examined the crystal ball. When mother and father call, it will illuminate.

"Wednesday?" I heard my mother say. Suddenly her face was in the orb. I leaned toward.

"Yes. Hello, mother." I kept my face monotone, as my voice, because emotions equal weakness.

"How are you adjusting, my little nightmare?" She grinned. She was acting like she hadn't spoken to me yesterday morning and the day before. My father pushed past her.

"My viper! My ray of darkness! I miss you so much, my terror!"

"I am just fine. Yesterday after we ended our chat, Enid and I recorded another roommate. I was not aware there would be three of us in a room." I glanced around. Y/N could be in the room, so I didn't say anything damning.

"Ah, Larissa mentioned that. A vampire, correct?" I nodded. "Is she treating you with respect?"

"We haven't spoken much." I let my eyes drift to the coffin.

"Is she in the room with you?" My father leaned into the crystal ball.

I began to say no, when the coffin opened. Y/N stepped out, dropping a small rectangular item into a trash can ; the blood box. "She is," Y/N said, gliding into view. "Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" There was sarcasm in her voice that made me want to smile, but I didn't.

"Morticia and Gomez Addams. And you are?" Mother asked. I didn't think she noticed the tone used by my new roommate.

"Y/N L/N."

My father chuckled. "Do your friends call you (n/n you don't like)?"

"No." Y/N stood still in such a way she looked like a painting. "My friends call me N/N. My enemies call me (n/n you don't like)." My father sat back, eyes wide.

"You've found a good one, my little death trap!"

"L/N." My mother savoured the name. "I went to school with a L/N. Are you, by any chance, related to Jasper L/N?" Y/N nodded.

"That is my father."

Mother clapped her hands together, grinning. "Oh, Jasper and I were such good friends! How lovely!"

"It's thrilling, isn't it?" Y/N whispered. I shot her a quick smile.

"I know you two will be great friends, I just know it! Oh, goodness, we should get going. Wednesday, we'll call you tomorrow evening after you've finished writing, alright?" I nodded and the image disappeared. I carefully placed the ball into its protective casing and turned to Y/N.

"Those were your parents," she said. It wasn't a question.

"I suppose so," I replied.

"Cool." Y/N turned and closed herself into the coffin.

What a way with words she has.

I promise this is the last chapter tonight. Soooo I hope you're enjoying it so far!!!!! I'm not good at talking so bõa tardes


861 words

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