13 • Imagine

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I'm making an episode story-

ALSO! I'm redesigning the cover because I'm getting bored of it. Lmk if you have any ideas on what I should draw. Might change the title too. Idk


TW - heavy descriptions of gore, murder, torture, all the fun stuff


The look in the therapist's eyes was smug. It made me want to dig my knife into her back, and instead of listening to what she was saying, I started imagining it.

Her screams were sung like an opera, the high-pitched wails making shivers of ecstasy run up my spine. My knife was cold and light in my hand. I had her pinned to the floor, her heavy breaths carefully raising me up and down on her stomach. In her large eyes was terror. It made me so happy.

I took a rock from next to me, holding it in my free hand. I caressed my thumb against its crumbly surface. It was cold, but not in a way that makes you want to put it down. It was cold like the feeling of the satisfaction of something evil. Like the feeling of getting revenge on someone who's wronged you so many times. I'd only felt this a few times, like when I confronted any other girl who tried to take what was mine.

I ran my tongue over my teeth as my mouth began to water, imagining what I should do. She must have seen into my mind when I decided, because she began to flail around wickedly, trying to escape me. I shook my head, grabbing her face and leaning in.

"No, no," I purred. "I want to play with you first."

I held the rock over her face and squeezed her mouth open. In a quick motion, I brought the rock down onto her teeth, over and over, and over again until there was nothing left for me to destroy. I started down at her toothless, bleeding mouth and smiled, satisfied.

Next, I took her fingers into my hands. Setting down the bloody rock, I held my knife to the top of her pointer finger, under her knuckle. I gave her a quick grin, then dragged the knife down. I sliced off the layers of her skin until the bone of her finger was visible. Kinbott was screaming and begging me to stop, but it just fueled me more.

I did this to all of her fingers then stretched. She was dying now, having lost a lot of blood. I figured I'd might as well end this. I shoved the knife into her chest, right in between her ribs. I stabbed her a few more times then took a drink.

"Y/N?" Kinbott's very alive voice shook me from my daydream. I wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth with my sleeve.

"What?" I asked, sighing.

"I was asking if you'd talked to Aiden since leaving." She had her ankles crossed, leaning forward. It angered me that her teeth were all intact.

"No," I replied bitterly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I haven't."

"Tell me why."

I shrugged, yawning. "I killed his friend." It wasn't like she didn't deserve it, of course, but I didn't think Aiden would see that.

"As far as we know, Aiden never found out it was you." Kinbott stared at me. "You should give it a shot."

"I'm sure he put two and two together. He wasn't an idiot" - for some things. "Everyone knew I was a vampire. I'm sure that rumours spread."

"Can you prove that, though?" Her tone was sickeningly sweet. She knew I hated talking about him. When I didn't respond, she smiled. "I think you should call him."

"I don't have his number." I was planning on escaping Nevermore to go to him, but she wouldn't know that.

Kinbott grinned. "I think I can work something out."

Okay now we'll get back to the actual plotline.

I'm looking for some fanfics to read. What have y'all written? Advertise your stories, I'll read them!


666 words😈

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